Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Picture

     "A picture is worth a thousand words!"  This is an English idiom referring to the notion that an image is very effective in grabbing your attention in order to portray an idea which is probably why a Facebook posting grabbed my attention long enough for me to listen to a sales pitch for a product.  It was about a life change promising free information.  The salesperson was rapidly drawing images to go along with "free" information; however, at the end there was a cost involved in order to obtain the product which would provide this new healthy life change.
     Images do have a way of grabbing our attention even though we quickly get turned off when the price of the product is finally revealed.   Yet, I have experienced and do know about a life change which comes at no cost!
     Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a child born and laying in a dirty animal crib.  The scene takes place in a barn filled with smelly animals.  It was cold and the only warmth was a bed of dusty hay and a small thin blanket. 
     Now envision this child all grown up.  He chose to leave a home where he was nurtured with love to travel the countryside sharing about hope for a life changing event.   His only mode of transportation was by foot with maybe an occasional donkey ride or in a fishing boat. 
     Was this simply a sales pitch that would end up with a cost to the crowd which followed Him?  No!  This life changing event was free to all except Himself.  He was the One going to pay the cost.  Many chose to listen, while others scoffed and spit in his face. 
     Finally, picture a cross.  Upon that cross is a man with nails hammered through his hands and his feet.  Blood runs down his body.  His head is hung in agonizing pain.  This is the cost the man paid.  In the end, as he had foretold, there was no cost to anyone.  It is truly a life changing event with no cost if you choose to accept Jesus as your hope and Savior of the world.   This is a package deal providing hope, peace, joy, and life. 

John 3:16  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."


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