Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Gingerbread Man

Thanksgiving should be daily throughout the year, but as the holiday closes the Christman season enters in with thoughts of spiced apple cider and gingerbread cookies.  School classrooms are preparing for making those famous gingerbread houses.   That is what inspired the following, and it was written for my favorite classroom teacher, my daughter, and her class:
The Gingerbread Man

It’s Christmas!
Bah Hum Bug …
What was this all about?
I rolled under the sheets and gave them a tug.
I was just a ball of dough
 with nothing much to show.

Then something magical happened-
First one hand rolled out;
 then another began to sprout. 
I soon found two feet,
 that kicked me out of bed.
Eyes appeared upon a small round head.
I was all smooth and flat
 with a beautiful tan-
just like a gingerbread man.

“Wow! Look at me!”
I exploded in glee.

Christmas! It’s Christmas!
I was going to have to rush!
My scent filled the air,
 and I had not a second to spare. 

I grabbed for my vest
 and began to get dressed.
There was a class full of girls and boys
 choosing me over bright red toys.

Brandon, Coe, and Jay
 had all said, “Send a gingerbread man my way.”
Lia, Cade, Savannah, and Reed  
 put me on their list, as they all had agreed. 
Tyler, April, Emily, and Alex
 wanted me to fill their stockings and sacks.
Noah, Sapana, and Trae
 had requested that I come their way.
So many were looking forward to a spicy Christmas day.   
Even Carson, Seth, Autumn, Zac, and Caylin
 said I was just the right mix and blend.

Then I could’nt forget Ms. Legg!
She didn’t want any ole dough from a store-bought egg.
She’d requested me for her gingerbread house.
I’d surprise her! Slip in quiet as a mouse.

Excitement overtook me
 as I sent myself a kiss,
 for I was top on their list.
I dashed on more ginger, added sugar and spice-
Hmmm, I smelled really nice.
In my haste,
 I snuck a taste.
Yes! I was all sweet,
 from my head to my feet.

Next I buttoned my vest,
 which fit tight across my dark tan chest.
I fumbled with its buttons of red
 as the scent of ginger filled my head.
Then looked in the mirror -
 but  something was all a’miss!

“Oh my! Where was my sugar coat?”
I had to have that around my arms and my throat.
I quickly donned those beads and pearls,
 for that would be missed by those curly-lock girls.
But what about the boys?
Not to worry-
 they’d be too busy with their games and their noise.

A magic suddenly filled the air
 as I tapped my heels with a flaire.
I had much to do -
“It’s Christmas!” I said with adieu.
I’m spicy, all sugar and sweet-
 just right for sampling, and oohh - so sweet to eat.
I’d fill out those stockings- Just right!
All eyes would be happy and bright.

“OH,Yes! It’s Christmas,”  I shouted out.
This was what Christmas was all about!
I was in such a thrill,
 it gave me a chill. 
I thought, “It’s all up to me.
I’d be just the key,  
 to complete Ms. Legg’s gingerbread fam’ily.”
                              Mary Crisp Jameson -11/25/2012


Sunday, November 4, 2012

For Love of Country

     With the upcoming election for President of the United States of America Mitt Ronmey asked,  “Will you vote for “love of country,” or as President Obama stated, “for revenge”? 
     I believe that God is the One true Leader of our great nation.  Without Him in it, whatever the cause, we are nothing.  I believe that we, as a nation of people, must adhere to the principals established and given to us through God’s word.  We are not a people who should “take revenge” toward another party within our blessed nation.  We should strive to work together.  To listen to the President of the United States of America make such a statement is alarming.  God said it Himself in Romans 12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”  
     We are a blessed nation because of God, and it is only God who can divide the waters and save the nation like He did for Moses as he led the Israelites into God's promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey.  Our nation has been prosperous in the past, and we can be prosperous in the future if we trust, believe, and seek God.  It is only God who can deliver our nation like He did when the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.  Time and time again, we are given accounts in the Old Testament of victory, only when the people listened and obeyed the Word of God. 
     It is time that the people of the United States of America come together.  We should not just be  Democrats or Republicans; we should be a nation of people who love each other; we should work together; we should do what is to the best interest of its people, and, most of all, we should get back to the principals of life as established by God.  Those principals can be found in the living word of God. 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Down Payment

     I had to put a down payment on a contract the other day.  This was something I really wanted, but I sure didn't like having to shell out the money it would take to secure the contract.
     Do you ever stop to think if God had second thoughts about the down payment He made when He allowed His Son to die for our sins?  Yet He did it anyway, knowing all the while, that this deed would be rejected by so many.  There would be people who would mock Him.  They would do anything in their power to prevent prayers, His commandments, His people from existing in this very world, today.  God knew, even those who accepted Christ into their lives, what kind of life they would live. 
     I am guilty on so many counts.  I am sure I disappoint the indwelling Spirit much like a child often disappoints a parent, or vice versa.  Rebellion and discord are built into our very nature.  They are not placed there by God, but by our own fleshly, self-fish motives. 
     Do I think and say the right things at the right time?  Do I care? Do I watch what I put into my body, keeping it clean for the indwelling spirit? Do I love others or just, at times, wish they would go away and leave me along, taking their burdens with them so I don’t have to shed a tear, help, tend, and care about them?  Do I resent giving my time and tithe to God and to others, even when I know without a shadow of a doubt that all I have and all I will ever have comes from God?
    Even if God had second thoughts, I am so glad He sealed me.  I am so glad He loves and forgives me.  I am so glad He directs my path.  I am so glad He laid out His promises for me to read about, seek, and to claim. 
     God is All Power.  His power can move mountains; His power can heal; His power can change lives.  What is so amazing is that God shares His power through the Holy Spirit living within me.  He bestows His power to me!  That power will allow me to change.  It can turn my self-fish desires into love.  It can take my weakness and turn it into strength.  It can give me the desire and the will to break the chains of any bondage in my life so that I can have a truly joyful walk with Him.  
     I do not believe that God regrets, for an instant, the downpayment He made for our lives.   

“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.  Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is god, Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” 2 Corinthians 1: 20-22