Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, July 29, 2016

Make America Great by Using National Motto

    I believe that making "America Great Again" by staying true to our national motto is important.
    In the current presidential campaign, Donald Trump wants to make "America Great Again."  On the other hand, Hillary Clinton, in her speech, stated, "Our country's motto is e pluribus unum; out of many, we are one.  Will we stay true to our motto?" 
     I didn't think much about Clinton's interpretation of the motto until I listened to the American Family radio station, and heard what is really the adopted and true current national motto.  After hearing the comments,  I researched it further and found that e pluribus unum  (out of many, one)  was included in the Great Seal of United States when it was adopted in 1782; however, in 1956 the United States Congress passed an act adopting "In God We Trust" as the official national motto.
     I would like Hillary Clinton to know that I would love for our country to stay true to our motto, "In God We Trust."  I am also sure that her false statement of the current motto was refreshing to the atheists who have tried for years to remove any reference to God from our country.   
     I do hope and pray that our wonderful United States of America can be made great again, but this will never happen if we do not put God first, embrace Him, His values and instructions.  
2 Chronicles 7:14   "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New Day Dawning

     I decided to start my day in A Friendly Shade reading Philippians 4:8 since I had a night in which I had not slept well.  Sadly the lack of sleep leaves most of us expecting a bad day, but our days do not have to be that way.  I believe our attitudes control our day.  
     "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
      If I apply Philippians 4:8 and think on lovely and good things, have good thoughts, apply just behavior, and praise others, or in other words, keep a positive attitude while letting God direct my course, my days can all be good ones, because I am looking for and being joyful. 
     To sum it up, here is my rhyme.

New Day Dawning 
Woke up this morning
groaning and yawning.
Another day was dawning.
I had not slept well,
my eyelids fell.
What would the day foretell?
Surely, not dreary or grey.
Joy abounded, just needed to pray;
Let God direct my way.
"Lord!" I shout your name out,
Please, remove my doubt.
Rid negative thoughts whirling about.
This is the day the Lord hath made!
Every step before me laid.
Lead me! guide me! I earnestly prayed.
Be my shield
should I enter the battlefield.
To you alone, my spirit yield.
Hope and joy to usher in,
 with God! With Him!
Till the day does end. 
                                       Mary Crisp Jameson

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Prayer of Jabez

     How many of us want to be blessed?  I know that I do, and I also know that only the One true God can grant these blessings.
     Bruce Wilkinson wrote a small, powerful book on "Breaking through to the blessed life",  The Prayer of Jabez.    This book changed my life. 
     The simple prayer of Jabez is found in 1 Chronicles 4:10.  Jabez is mentioned in only a few verses and, for years, was completely missed by me because he is in the midst of the who begot whom.  It seemed that Jabez was more honourable than his brothers and he prayed, "Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!  And God granted him that which he requested."
    Wilkinson broke this prayer into 4 sections:

1.  A request to be blessed personally

2.  A request to have his territory enlarged for God

3.  A request to be kept away from evil

4.  A request to not cause pain toward others

     I know that my prayer life needs to be about being thankful to God and about others, but Wilkinson's book cleared the path for me to stop feeling guilty for requesting blessings for myself .  God wants to bless and He wants us to tell him our desires. 
     I had a hard time with the second request about asking God to enlarge my territory.  I was afraid of what God might ask me to do, but I finally took that step.  I did not know what to expect and did not even recognize it at first.  After I retired I kept having to do this or that for someone else.  There were errands to run, financial planning to do for them, and concern on my mind.  At first I thought, "What is going on? When will this stop?"  Then it hit me!  Wow!  God had enlarged my territory with something I could manage and do.  It was time to stop complaining about the extra hours out of the day and enjoy the moments. 
     Request three speaks for itself.  We all need to attempt to stay free of temptation or anyone or anything that will lead us away from the blessings God has in store for us.
     I believe request four comes through love.  If we show love toward all men, we will watch our tongue (what we speak), and we will watch our actions (what we do), so that we will not create hurtfulness or harm toward others. 
      For those who have not read The Prayer of Jabez, please take a few hours out of your day and let it revolutionize your life.  It is packed with powerful thoughts that will enrich your life.  


Sunday, July 17, 2016


     In the troubling world we presently live in, Reba wrote and sings a song, Pray For Peace.   We do need to pray for peace, but we also need to pray for wisdom.  That is what Solomon prayed for when the Lord appeared to him in a dream.  God said, "Ask, What should I give you?"  In answer Solomon asked for wisdom and God was pleased and gave it to him.  
     Through Solomon we are introduced to wisdom and given an example of wisdom, but in James 1:5-6 we are told even more about wisdom and how to acquire it.  "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.  But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."
     Why do I believe we need wisdom?  We need wisdom when we face trials of any kind.  It is the wisdom from God which best aids us in our times of need.  When we face temptations, we need wisdom.  When it comes to money, parenting, giving advice, or handling suffering, we need wisdom.  Whether facing problems at work, developing friendships, or even going through addictions and trials, we need wisdom.  There is never a time when I do not need wisdom in order to know what to do, what to say, or how to act in any given circumstance.   I was also reminded in this morning's Sunday School lesson on Solomon that I need wisdom in order to serve, bless, and love those around me. 
     Not only do I have to rely daily on the wisdom which God gives me, but I must, above all, believe in Jesus Christ and His great love for me, knowing that His hands are big enough to take care of all my needs and help me through my trials. 
     My prayer:  "Lord, give me wisdom so that I may better serve and love you and others better.  Give me wisdom to discern the truth.  Give me wisdom to overcome my trials and follow in your ways. I ask, believing without a doubt, that your wisdom is being provided to help me with all my decisions here on this earth."

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Give It Away

     There's a song which George Strait sings,  Just Give It Away.  It is about moving on through a divorce and the spouse says, "just give it away."  As I listened to the lyrics I thought about "giving it away" in a completely different sense.   Wouldn't the world be so much better off if we could just give it away?  By this, I mean true love.  If we could move on, by getting away from sin, and began to give free, unconditional love away to others, not expecting anything in return, our land would be filled with more love instead of the growing hate which is materializing every day.   
    In fact, that is just the example Jesus gave to us.  He gave His love to us when He died upon the cross.  He knew many people would not return that love, but He did it anyway. 
     So I say, "Just give it away.  There ain't nothin' in life worth hating about.  If we're tired of what this ole' world provides, just give your love away.  Quit that old sinful life of fussing, fighting, hating, envying and just give it away."