Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Call To Unite

      Our pledge of allegiance states that we are "one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. "  Indivisible means we are unable to be divided.  But, that is not what I am seeing today.  Yet, unity has always been what has kept our country strong.  Therefore, I am praying that we, as a people, will come together and unite in love. 

U -nite being equal under law for we all all equal under God.  Uplift one another.  Be unwavering in daily prayer for this country and unwavering in every effort to unite.  Understand rather than undermine.

N- ourish each other's thoughts and feelings.  Nourish life, even that of the unborn.  Rid self of narrow-mindedness. 

I- mitate good-will and imitate the actions and words of the most High, our Savior and Creator. 

T- hink good, positive thoughts and table hate speech and actions. 

E- mpty the heart of hate. Endeavor to unite.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Do The Work


Jesus was faithful.  He came to earth to accomplish the work of His Father.  Jesus “set His face” to be faithful  to the goal.  He did what He came to do and opened the path to salvation for all who would believe and come to Him.   

The Work 

As Jesus did on earth,

Let me accomplish my task and fulfill my worth.
O Lord, set my face
To run the race.
With endurance, set my pace.
Let me honor God along my walk
And glorify Him by my talk.
As with every task I complete,
Let it be the best to reflect both You and me.  
Establish my worth
As Jesus did on earth.
Set my pace.
With determination, set my face;
Loving, sharing among every race.
Daily, create in me joy and mirth
As I trudge along this earth.
Ever, gladly, will I run the race,
Though undeserving of God’s established grace.
                                        Mary Crisp Jameson      1/26/2021

Monday, January 25, 2021

Out Of The Valley

      In troubling times, like we are going through now with the pandemic and the rioting in our country, Psalms 23 is so comforting.  It begins with, "The Lord is my Shepherd."  Then in verse 4 we read,  "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me."  
     However, what we need to remember, as it says in verse 6, "continually dwell in the house of the Lord," for  when we pull away from God, we leave the comfort of His presence by choice.