Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, March 30, 2013

    Every day is a day to remember and praise God for what our Savior did for us.  However, Easter is the time we dwell more intensely upon Jesus as he willingly hung in excruciating pain upon the cross for you and me, and we celebrate  the "empty tomb." 

  The Key to Heaven Hung From a Nail

Young and more eager to play
than to pray,
I caught a glimpse of my Mom looking at a tarnished old key. 
That seemed strange to me!
She was just standing there in the hall.
Why was she looking at that key hanging on a rough, plank wall?
She smiled when I stopped to say, 
“Mom, there’s dust on that key you look at every day.
Does it open a special door?” 
“That, and much, much more,”
she said, and then she smiled.
“You’ll find that door someday, my child.”

The key was just hanging there on a rusty nail.
But I had no more time to listen for more detail.
It was a beautiful day,
so I quickly ran outside to play.
“Who wants to find an ugly door for a silly old key?
Certainly, not me!”

Then, one day, I found myself staring at the key hanging by that nail.
It caught my eye as I took a breathe and began to exhale.
There was something tugging at my heart, 
and my eyes began to burn and smart.  
Though the haze of my tears, the tarnished key turned bright and shiny;
then, a drop of blood touched my hand-so tiny.
I blinked, but the drop of blood had vanished- just quickly gone.
I buried the key into my fist and held on.
In amazement, my hands were snowy white
as I stood in the midst of a mighty light.

Magically, out of nowhere, I heard a voice ringing in my ear.
“Father forgive them,” was all I could hear.
Tears rolled down my face
and I felt a tremendous love, within a strong embrace.
My Jesus had been nailed to a rough wooden cross, made from a tree,
and He did it just for me. 

                                Mary Crisp Jameson

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"Man Follows Where The Mind Goes"

    My Friendly Shade gives me comfort when I think my best thoughts, and when I give myself good "self-talk".  I like to build myself up in the way I feel about myself and in the way I think about myself.   I also am a firm believer in setting goals; goals for success.  I believe that positive thinking is the best way to achieve my successes.  As I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning talking about her book, "Battleship of the Mind", it gave me the inspiration for the following because I believe it is truly the mind that leads down the road of success. 
Man Follows Where The Mind Goes
Man will follow
  where the mind goes!  
So, what thoughts have you chose? 

Were they positive and aspiring? Ones that uplift?
Those are rewarding and the very best gift. 
What's more, they'll keep you on the right track,
  with no need for remorse as you look back.
Man will follow where the mind resides,
  for it's the mind that leads and guides. 
It's your thoughts that take you down the road to success;
  they're yours to control and possess.

Man will follow where the mind goes;
 it's seen in many lives, as history shows. 

 Therefore, think up some good self-talk;
  it will enhance your walk. 
It’s the thoughts that guide, as everyone knows.
Man simple follows where the mind goes!

                         Mary Crisp Jameson – 3/24/2013
Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”