Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Model

     When I was growing up, I wanted to a be a model.  My idea of the perfect model was being tall, slim, and beautiful.  Well, I was medium height, skinny, and not beautiful.  But, one out of three was not bad.  However, I can't even say I am thin any more.  Time, age, and a desire to eat has eliminated my one thing that could have helped me become the model I thought I wanted to be.
     Yet, I can still be a model, only in a different context.  I can be a model for Christ.  It does not take outer beauty, slimness, or height to do this. 
Let Me Be A Model
Let me be a model, not in the way I walk or waddle, but
in my poise, dignity, and joy;
Not in my size, for I'm no longer trim as some have surmised.
Let me be a model in my words and what the Spirit affords.
Let me be a model, not in my un-inherited beauty, imperfection, or duty,
but in action.
Let me be a model, not from haughtiness, impatience, or pride,
but from setting all malice and anger aside.
Let me be a model, not from selfish wonderings,
but, for others, in prayer ponderings.
Let me be a model, not from fashion,
but from seeking God with passion;
Not from pearls or diamonds that attract,
but from a Christian walk, for impact.
Yes, Lord, artfully create me into a model's mold-
fearless, dauntless, bold;
A model for your ways
through all my days.
                                                                                   --Mary Crisp Jameson


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