Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friendly Shade Hunting Humor

My “Friendly Shade”  is a little different today.  As I sit and contemplate the coming hunting season I worry that the woodlands will not be safe.  The weather has been so dry and wildfires beginning to take place in our area that the risk of fires far outweigh the joy found in the hunt.  However, putting all that aside the following is a humorous story taken from my book “Guys In Camo.”   I believe all those excited about opening deer season will enjoy the humor. 
     Game wardens really don’t have to set up what most people call entrapment to be able to issue a citation or confiscate wrongfully obtained game related to the breaking of wildlife laws.  They are notorious for coming around deer clubs and other hunting sites at just the wrong time for most deer hunters.  All they need to do is bide their time and a lot of violations will just fall into their hands which is what happened with one game warden as he was driving along an ole’ country road near the Calhoun community. 
     The local game warden was not even looking for a wrongdoing the Saturday before opening deer season as he slowed his vehicle and prepared to pull over to the side of the road when he spotted a young boy who was dragging a deer behind him exiting a wooded area. 
     The warden spotted the boy, before the boy saw him, and by the time the boy looked up the warden was out of the truck and headed his way. 
     The game warden’s eyes narrowed as he approached and glared at the boy as he said, “Son, what are you doing?”   The boy quickly responded with, “I’m deer hunting.”  The warden then began to show his authority as he menacingly said, “Boy, deer season doesn’t open until Monday.” “No sir,” the boy argued, “it started today.”  When the warden again repeated his statement that the season did not open until Monday, the boy dropped his head a little as he thought for a second.  Then he looked up and stared the warden rather bashfully in the eye and very quietly told him, “Mister, I thought it started today, but you know I have another deer down back there in the brush.”  He pointed back behind him toward the woods he had come out of and continued,  “I guess you want me to drag that one out, too.”
     The warden shook his head affirmatively and told him to go drag out the other deer. 
     The boy quickly turned and retreated back into the woods.  As the warden stood there waiting, he soon realized his mistake and that he had been duped.  That boy wasn’t coming back.  He probably fled as fast as he could in the other direction. 
     As the warden told the story he said, “It wasn’t that the kid was so smart; it was that I was so dumb.”

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