What is it exactly that will keep me on track? It might just be I truly need a complete change of heart. I don’t mean just wanting to change but really, truly desiring it. Sure I may want to lose weight but do I really want to give up my gluttony? Is it a matter of the heart?
I heard someone say that they had been faithfully walking for several years. I asked, “How?” The reply was, “The trick is getting up, putting on those shoes, and getting out the door.”
“Wow,” I thought, “that is so true. Once the exercise is started, I am enjoying the walk and feeling so good about the accomplishment.” It is the same with food, only in reverse. Once I have devoured that mouth-watering dessert, and not stopping with just one piece, I am hating myself for the over-indulgence.
With what other habits do I need a change of heart? They say Social Media is a way to exchange information and ideas as well as stay in contact with each other. I am thinking, “How often do I grab my phone and go to Facebook the first thing every morning to see who said what and what may have happened that I “want” to know about?” Let me think about this one! What should I have grabbed the first thing in the morning that would help get me through my day? The answer is obvious. The Bible! It just could be the best Social Media available. It provides information and wisdom. It lifts my spirit. It enlightens me. It keeps me in touch with the One who can lead me, support me, and solve the problems in my life. Through prayer and bible study I can stay in touch with the One who died for me so that I could have life eternal. Staying in touch with God every day is more important than any other habit I need to develop. This has to be a matter of the heart.
Guard your heart above all
else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4: 23
So True! cl