Yet, isn’t this what God does every day? He cleans up our messes. Only, he cleans up out of love regardless of our bad decisions.
It seems as though God has been cleaning up after humans since the beginning of time. He helped Adam and Eve make clothing after they disobeyed Him. He opened the heart of forgiveness when the prodigal son returned home only to be received with loving arms by his father. God converted Paul from a life of hatred and killing to a life of proclaiming God’s Word and giving him a heart of love for others. When Jesus was on the cross, He gave life to one of the thieves beside Him when the thief asked of Jesus, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Jesus told the thief, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”
When people seek God, He can change a life.
I was reminded of the newness of life by the author of our Sunday School lesson when he wrote, “Jesus made all things new through His life, death, and resurrection.” Those who believe on Jesus have a helpmate; One who can take our messed up lives and make them new. When we stray and began to litter up our lives God’s power can turn us back to Him. We can have a fresh, new life because of the good Shepherd.
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