Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Give It Away

     There's a song which George Strait sings,  Just Give It Away.  It is about moving on through a divorce and the spouse says, "just give it away."  As I listened to the lyrics I thought about "giving it away" in a completely different sense.   Wouldn't the world be so much better off if we could just give it away?  By this, I mean true love.  If we could move on, by getting away from sin, and began to give free, unconditional love away to others, not expecting anything in return, our land would be filled with more love instead of the growing hate which is materializing every day.   
    In fact, that is just the example Jesus gave to us.  He gave His love to us when He died upon the cross.  He knew many people would not return that love, but He did it anyway. 
     So I say, "Just give it away.  There ain't nothin' in life worth hating about.  If we're tired of what this ole' world provides, just give your love away.  Quit that old sinful life of fussing, fighting, hating, envying and just give it away."

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