I seem to have slipped and been away, for a spell, from writing for Jesus. Although I have not been posting weekly, I love the Lord no less, and I know that Jesus is like the father of the lost son described in Luke, chapter 15. "His father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him."
Although I fail miserably, I sincerely want to make an impact for the Glory of God. How do I succeed? Some simple reminders come from the word IMPACT.
I-nform others of God
M-anage your tongue and thoughts
P-ut away differences
A-pproach others with sincere love
C-loak yourself in the Word
T-each righteousness through words and actions
Charles Spurgeon wrote, "I would put it to you, my dear hearer, have you been fruitful? Have you been fruitful with your wealth? Have you been fruitful with your talent? Have you been fruitful with your time? What are you doing for Jesus now? Salvation is not by doings, you are saved by grace, but if you are so saved, prove it by your devoted life. Consecrate yourself anew this day wholly to your Master's service. You are not your own but bought with a price, and if you would not be like these thorn-choked seeds, live while you live, with all-consuming zeal."
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