Our pledge of allegiance states that we are "one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. " Indivisible means we are unable to be divided. But, that is not what I am seeing today. Yet, unity has always been what has kept our country strong. Therefore, I am praying that we, as a people, will come together and unite in love.
U -nite being equal under law for we all all equal under God. Uplift one another. Be unwavering in daily prayer for this country and unwavering in every effort to unite. Understand rather than undermine.
N- ourish each other's thoughts and feelings. Nourish life, even that of the unborn. Rid self of narrow-mindedness.
I- mitate good-will and imitate the actions and words of the most High, our Savior and Creator.
T- hink good, positive thoughts and table hate speech and actions.
E- mpty the heart of hate. Endeavor to unite.
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