Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Believing Is Seeing

      We have all heard the saying, "Seeing is believing!"  However, I read another this morning which  also makes a lot of sense, "Believing is seeing!"  The writer explained it, most importantly, as faith.  We believe in God and know that He exists.  He is our creator, yet we do not see Him.  But, we do see His works.  In the devotional the author stated, "Some things you'll never see unless you believe them first."  Here is where I want to take another spin.
     I have always believed in setting goals.  How can we achieve them if we don't first believe they are possible?  And by believing, we can actually see our goals turning into reality in our dreams.   By believing, then seeing, we can move forward with courage and determination to make something worthwhile happen.  Our actual success comes from keeping God in the plan.  He is the One we need to "believe in and see in our hearts and mind" first and foremost.  

Monday, May 2, 2022

Desires of the Flesh

     Most everyone knows how to “get into” the things of the flesh.  We have experienced the fact that desires in life often just drop into our lap, and once we desire something, we hunger and crave it.  We seek and pursue it.  We even invest time and effort into acquiring it.  Yet, if it is not from God but from the world, and once acquired, there is usually no lasting joy, peace, or comfort.  Sometimes it even causes pain.
      So wouldn’t it be better to, first of all, acquire a taste or a desire for what the Lord desires before we “get into it?”  Then we can place our efforts into hungering, craving, seeking, pursuing, investing, and acquiring what will actually end up providing contentment, joy, peace, and hope.