I remember one Christmas when my first husband was tasked with the job of assembling a Christmas item. He tried it one way and then another, but nothing seemed to fit.
I soon stepped in and asked, “Have you read the instructions?” I knew the answer before I even asked. The manual was lying near his feet neatly folded and still in its original zipped, tight bag!
That is the way a messy life can happen for me. I am given a set of instructions. It is printed step by step in correct order, but I fail to read it, memorize it and let it soak in before I charge forward. Charging forward without reading the plan only makes me have to assemble and re-assemble, never getting it right.
It would be good for me to dwell in Psalm 119.
“I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin again You.
I rejoice in following Your statues as one rejoices in great riches.’
I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways.
I delight in Your decrees. I will not neglect Your ways.”
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