Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Pass It On

I have such good memories of generations before me. They were mostly poor and did not pass on silver, gold, or a big bank account. What they left was so much more. They loved God, and they passed it on.

Pass It On


I remember my great-grand parents.

They were old, and life had taken a toll,

But they passed on love from their household.

They modeled a relationship with God,

Although they may have been somewhat flawed.

I remember my grandparents more,

And I was always welcome at their door.

In their pastures, there was much to explore.

They had cows and mules, 

But mostly, I remember the life they stood for.

From their garden they raised their food,

Lobored hard, but showed a loving, Godly mood.

From a well they drew their water,

Hogs they had to slaughter.

They worked hard from daylight to dark.

But their love for God was never a question mark.

They were filled with Godly precepts and rules they kept.

Before they were gone, they passed it on.

Then, there was the love my parents held for me.

They lived Godly lives that I could see.

They shaped my heart, my thoughts, my choices,

And I still can hear their voices.

They read their Bible, took me to church, and prayed at meals.

They kept the faith as they traveled burdensome hills.

Mom and Dad loved God, 

And they passed it on before they were gone.

Then, it was left for me to pass on God’s love for my child to see.

I did my best and still pray that she is blessed.

To pass it on is my heart’s quest. 

There is God who created me.

There is Jesus who died to set me free.

There is the Holy Spirit who gives my heart glee.

And, I want to pass it on.


Mary Crisp Jameson. 1/9/2025


“Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when He said to me, ‘Assemble the people before Me to hear My words, so that they learn to revere Me as long as they love in the land and may teach them to their children.’” Deutheronomy.4:10 NIV 

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