Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Healing Through Praying For Others

     Early every spring I replace the fern and the geranium that I keep in large pots in “A Friendly Shade.” These two plants are entirely different.  Although the geranium blooms most of the summer, its beautiful flowers are frail and the petals shed easily with the wind. Its fading flowers require clipping quite often in order to keep it thriving and blooming.  The fern, on the other hand, requires little attention.  It is hardier and needs less watering. Its roots run deep, wrapping tightly in and throughout the pot of dirt.  I feel like it is saying, "I am fine, you have other things to do.  Just clip a single dying leaf here and there and be on your way." 
      The fern reminds me of someone cemented in the Word. Although the strong Christian may be blown to and fro from time to time, he handles what life brings. When troubles and sadness slip in, his spirit is not broken for he obtains his nourishment and strength by spreading his roots. Life is not all about him.   
    A good example of such a Christian is my Sunday School teacher. He recently made an emergency trip to the hospital for heart surgery. This was not a simple procedure or a quick recovery. He had to endure several rounds of shock treatments even after the surgery. During this time of illness our new pastor visited with him. It was in the course of the conversation that this sick man told the pastor, “I am sorry I could not be in town to welcome you and help you get settled.”  Another time his wife stated that her sick husband “prayed for every doctor, nurse, and attendant who came into his room.” This is not a man who simply thinks of himself. He is rooted in the Word and soaking up nourishment for healing by praying for others.
     I suppose that is why he is a Sunday School teacher.  Even though he is not in my Sunday School class while he is recovering, he is still teaching.  He has taught me not only about circling myself in prayer but also about healing myself through whatever problems or illness I may encounter by circling others in prayer. 
     Bro. Butch is busy striving to live what our pastor preached about today, "It's not about me- It's all about others, because- It's all about Jesus."

"Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." Philippians 2:4

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love...And to know the love of Christ, which passeth anowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." Ephesians 3:17, 19

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