Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Weather Forecast

     I don't know about everyone else or every other place, but here in A Friendly Shade we can always use a little rain once July comes around.  The garden gets dry very fast. 
     However, the best weather forecast that I have seen which appeared on a church signboard is:

 "God reigns; The Son shines." 
     When we have God in our lives and truly believe in Jesus, His death, and His resurrection we can survive any weather which comes our way.  

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Impact for God

     I seem to have slipped and been away, for a spell,  from writing for Jesus.  Although I have not been posting weekly, I love the Lord no less, and I know that Jesus is like the father of the lost son described in Luke, chapter 15.  "His father saw him and was filled with compassion.  He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him." 
     Although I fail miserably, I sincerely want to make an impact for the Glory of God.  How do I succeed?  Some simple reminders come from the word IMPACT.

I-nform others of God
M-anage your tongue and thoughts
P-ut away differences
A-pproach others with sincere love
C-loak yourself in the Word
T-each righteousness through words and actions

Charles Spurgeon wrote, "I would put it to you, my dear hearer, have you been fruitful?  Have you been fruitful with your wealth?  Have you been fruitful with your talent?  Have you been fruitful with your time?  What are you doing for Jesus now?  Salvation is not by doings, you are saved by grace, but if you are so saved, prove it by your devoted life.  Consecrate yourself anew this day wholly to your Master's service.  You are not your own but bought with a price, and if you would not be like these thorn-choked seeds, live while you live, with all-consuming zeal."


Monday, June 12, 2017

God's Love

     Who will ever know the true love of God for "God is love"?  It is such a mystery on how much love He bestows on each of us.  His love runs deeper and wider than our minds and imaginations can grasp and comprehend. 
God's Love
My amazing God!
A King upon His throne,
eyes open,
ears attentive-
a heart attuned.
No love runs deeper,
rises higher,
reaches wider
than that of my Holy God.
His love, 
bestowing grace,
showing mercy-
A love found within His embrace.
A King upon His throne,
sin atoning.
A love burning forever,
ceasing never-
His promised endeavor.
By the cross,
He saves from endless loss.
His love,
forsaking not- No Never!
He could not love me better.
                                 Mary Crisp Jameson

Friday, June 2, 2017


    With summer comes vacations and travel.  A perfect time to recharge! 
    When I talk of recharging I am not referring to recharging cell phones, laptops, or other electronic equipment.  I am referring to the rest needed by our bodies and minds to get us through the daily life of climbing mountains, overcoming hurdles, conquering valleys, and resisting temptation.  As we fight these battles on our knees, with God leading, we also need to be aware of His mighty presence in restful times.  We need to continue to listen for his voice in the quiet moments of recharging as we enjoy a peaceful summer sunset,  the calming ocean waves, the rushing sound of a waterfall, or a simple stroll through winding flora-filled paths.    

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
 he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,
 ...thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.    
                                      Psalms 23