Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Three-Point Rule

     It’s opening day of deer hunting! The season so many have been waiting for is finally here.  Camouflage clothes of all sorts, along with bright orange vests and caps are all laid out.  Excitement is high.  Alarms clocks are tapped off quickly as men are found jumping from their beds in anticipation of bagging the “big one.”  As daybreak comes, there is silence in the crisp morning air before the squirrels start to scamper about, disturbing the stillness, as the hunter stands waiting- watchful for that deer with the large rack of horns - the trophy he can brag about.    
     However, there are rules to follow.  All those best laid plans, with corn feeders and planted patches of rye grass, bring in all kinds of animals that survive in the woods.  There are certain deer which are not to be killed.   It’s a strategy to increase the age of bucks, and the size of the antlers.  Make no mistake.  There is a three-point rule.  The deer must have three or more points on one side of his rack to be legal or antlers shorter than two inches. 
     A good hunter respects the laws of the land. 
     However, there is no opening season with God.  Christian apparel should be laid out all during the year.  Alarms clocks should be tapped off just as quickly as on opening morning of deer season to provide time to talk and visit with God.  There should be excitement in the air! This is the time when the best plans can be laid out for the day.  Seeds of sowing are best planted as daybreak comes, before the movement of activity disturbs the tranquility of the morning.  There is no three-point rule.  God is not selective.  He accepts and loves “all” who will trust and believe.  A good Christian loves and is eager to learn about and respect the laws of God.  His greatest trophy is the one that that has been found “lost” in the woods of life- the one for whom he has planted the seeds of life- a trophy he can cherish.    

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