As I was completing a sewing project for a Christmas gift, I thought, with pride, “This is great; it came out better than expected.” I started the project with no pattern and only a visual aid which I enhanced and added to as the ideas came. This was to be a work of love and one of artistic ability. As the project came together, I had to rip out a few seams and start again because I was figuring out the pattern as I went. All the time I realized that the bear rag quilt would, in time, get dirty and probably have a button or two pulled off which would need to be replaced. However, I knew the Mom would gladly wash the quilt, as needed, and repair any damage that might occur before, lovingly, returning it to the child. After finishing the project, I was also ready to take a long-needed rest.
As I contemplated all this I thought of how God created the heavens and the earth and then, with great pride and love, created man in His own image. God, in His perfection, did not have to rip out mistakes and start again. Man came out, visually, just as He had planned. As He looked at His creation, He said, "It was very good." Then God took a day of rest. But the story doesn’t stop there. Just like my quilt, in time, man would become dirty, full of sin. It is then that God will lovingly pick man up and wash away the dirt. There may have to be a few seams ripped away in order for man to be cleansed and started on a new pathway of life. Man may be left with a few tattered edges from the abuse of self, but with God healing can began anew.
As with any project we continue to take pride in and love what we create, and God, for whatever reason, still continues to love His creation too. We are so blessed that God “loves even us.”
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