Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, June 15, 2012

Home-Grown Tomatoes and True Love

     Someone once said, "There are two things money can't buy, and that is true love and home-grown tomatoes." 
     As I sat here in my friendly shade and admire my home-grown tomatoes, I thought about that statement and decided there was a lot about it that was true.  Sure, you can buy someone else's home-grown tomatoes, but they are just not the same.  Those tomatoes had to be picked somewhat green and could not mellow out on the vine until they reached that delicate rich, red color and that wonderful just-right seasoned taste which you anxiously wait for every year.  If anyone has ever grown tomatoes you know that the very first one of the season is sliced immediately; your taste buds cannot wait another moment to pop that long awaited first tomato of the season into your mouth.  In fact, you deserve it.  You planted it; you staked it to keep it upright from the wind and the rain; you protected it, as much as you could, from the birds and other prey.  That tomato belongs to you, and no amount of money could take away the pride you acquired in growing your very own home-grown tomato.
     When it comes to true love, money certainly cannot buy that even though money does make the living more comfortable.   But, with true love, there is a deep inner feeling- a caring, a desire to see that person have the very best there is.  With that said, nothing can compare to the true love God has for His children.  He knew us before we were ever born -He planted us.  He is the One who protects us- He shields us when we turn to Him.  He is the One who gives us the light in our lives- It is God who provides true peace and comfort.  Once we place our trust in God, He e He He He never abandons us.   He is the One that pulls us from the mire of sin when we stray.  He is the One who gave His only Son - a Son willing to die on the cross, so that we could have eternal life.  Money cannot and will not ever buy that kind of love. 
     I hope at the end of the day as I take pride in my home-grown tomatoes that I will also be able to take pride in the fact that I set my eyes on the eternal riches and love of God rather than the riches of this world.

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