Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maybe It's Not Too Late

     This morning as I was trying to find a way to remove specks of rust from a stainless steel soap dispenser I began to wander how this had happened.  Had I been too busy and neglected the dispenser over the course of time? 
     The soap within, of course, was still good and there to assist in removing germs, the enemies of cleanliness.  It was just the outer container that was the problem.  As I continued to examine those small specks of rust, I began to make excuses.  It must be the quality of the metal.  We all know there are different qualities of stainless steel. Some are just more rust resistant than others. Much depends on the elements added as it was developed.  “That was it!  I had just bought a cheap stainless steel dispenser,” I reasoned, as I reached for my faithful brillo pad.  It took a little scrubbing, but the rust was coming off a little at a time.   However, the shine was not what it should have been.  Then I thought, “A little wax of some kind will help to polish out the scratches and put it back to normal.  It wouldn’t hurt to try.  Maybe it wasn’t too late.”  
     Is that the way it is in our Christian walk?  Maybe it’s not too late!  As Christians, Jesus lives within our very souls.  He is there to lift us up, to keep us clean, and to keep us on the right path.  However, outwardly, many Christians fell to add the right elements, and we develop poorly.  Overtime rust begins to form.  The Element of cleanliness, lying just beneath the surface, is kept at bay.  When that happens, our enemies spread like germs, making us sick.  Depression erupts, selfishness takes over, and self-pity enters our thoughts.
     It would be good to wash and clean our vessels, our minds and our hearts, every day by having quality fellowship with the One who lives within instead of waiting until we have to reach for the ‘brillo pad’ to scrub away the rust of neglect.  Only by having a daily walk with God can we create a pure shield of protection; a shield that will stand firm and endure through the rusty times in our life; a shield that will fill in the scratches made from having to scrub away the areas in our lives that we have ignored and neglected for far too long. 
     Maybe, just maybe, it is not too late!      

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