Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Rock

     I have not written in some time now.  It seems I have let a large and over-whelming project assume all my attention and rob me of my relaxation and my time in "my friendly shade".   However, my Rock and my Source of Strength has never left my side.  In fact, while I have been trying so hard to accomplish all that was needed to complete this new project, it was my Rock who blessed me by sending just the right people, at the right time, to get the job done. 
     A rock, by definition, is a hard substance; it makes a solid foundation and a strong support.  Yet when I think about rocks and stones I visualize the jar of pebbles that so many people have used to make a point.  It seems you can fill a jar until it is completely full of small, hard pebbles, then you are still able to add substantial amounts of sand until the jar cannot hold another drop of sand.   If asked, most people will say the jar is full; however,  it can still hold an enormous amount of water. 
     While we, as Christians, have the Lord, our Rock and our strength living inside our very heart, body, and soul, we continually fill our minds and bodies with our idols of desires; we move our minds away from time spent in communication with our Rock; we hurry along the various roads we think we must travel.  In so doing, we let the grains of sand and the potholes of water fill our jar too full, and they sift our foundation until we weaken from the load we are trying to carry alone.  We become tired and frustrated.  It is then, that we realize our Rock is still there just waiting for us to lean upon.  He can remove the sand and the water that we have allowed to slip into the crevices.  He can make our foundation strong again.  He can restore our peace of mind if we only rest in His love and grace.   

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