Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, February 23, 2013


    My intent when I started the following poem was to write about the revival service I had just attended in which the pastor shared 2 Timothy 4 whereby the pastor is charged to to preach the Word "in season, and out of season".  Then in verse 4 the scripture goes on to say that the time will come when the people will not endure sound doctrine and will turn away their ears.   How true this is. 
    We live in a time where there is a moral standard of living that does not go along with what the Bible has to say, and sinners, such as us, don't want to hear sound doctrine or to change our way of life. When we listen to what a pastor councils, according to what the Bible teaches, there is often discord with the pastor, or he simply becomes what we describe as not a very likable person.  From this, I intended to compare the crucifixion of Jesus with what the pastor often has to endure, but the words did not fall into place.  However, it would be good to remember that just as Jesus came for a purpose, the pastor is charged with a purpose.  Jesus was not liked, and, often, the pastor is not liked if he truly councils from the Living Word of Life with those who have closed ears.     

Jesus came to give us life,
but the people created strife.
They shouted, “Crucify Him!”

Jesus healed the lame and raised the dead;
many followed where He led;
yet, in the end, He was denied.
Even Peter exclaimed, “I know Him not,”
before he wept and cried.
Jesus came to give us life,
but the people created strife.
They let a murderer go free
to watch our Savior being nailed to a tree.
A crown of thorns was placed upon His head;
still they mocked Him as He bled.

 “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!
He is not our King,” they said,
“He is not the Living Bread.”
And they watched as His blood was shed. 

Darkness covered the land
as Jesus hung by the nails in each hand.
In agonizing pain,
He never once complained. 
The people shouted, “Crucify Him!”
But our Lord pled, “Father forgive them.”
                            Mary Crisp Jameson – 2-21-2013
…My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?  And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.  March 15:34b, 39

Sunday, February 10, 2013


     A friend is defined as a person who is attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, or  just a person who is on good terms with another.
     How do you define friendship?  In Proverbs 18:24 we are told that “A friend sticks closer than a brother.”  However, we are also told to beware of who we  make friends with for they may deceive us. 
     To find a true friend is very rare.  A true friend shares your sorrows.  He knows your weaknesses; he can look on the inside of your heart and love you anyway. A true friend will not reject you when you fail to meet their expectations.   A true friend can be relied upon to share innermost secrets and keep them confidential.  A true friend may not drop by your house or may not call you every day or even see you for years at a time but, when you need him, he is there.  A true friend will cry with you in your sorrow; they will inspire you with your dreams; they will be happy for you in your successes, and they may even tell you when you are wrong. 
     Some friends remain true for a lifetime while others are placed in your life for a season.  Whatever the case, true friendship is a treasure. 
     Some people live a lifetime without ever finding or having a true friend in their lives.  Others may only have one friend who ever enters their lives.  Then there are some who have enjoyed many very close and meaningful friendships.  The one really valuable lesson in life is that to have a true friend, you must be one, too.  You must be willing to reach out and be a strong champion; one who shows compassion, love, endurance, and hours of sharing in successes, weaknesses, and  failures, leaving all envy and jealousy behind.  Friends will not always meet your expectations, but then you will not always meet theirs either.  
     True friends are rare.