Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, January 31, 2016


     When asked how I would identify myself, I would probably say, I am approximately five foot six  with blonde hair, fair skinned and have green eyes.  Yet, if  I wanted to identify my spiritual nature, what would I say?  How would others describe me?  This may seem frivolous to some, but to me, it is very important. 
     1 Corinthians 15:50-52 tells me, " earthly body made of flesh and blood cannot get into God's kingdom.  These perishable bodies of ours are not the right kind to live forever.  But I tell you this strange and wonderful secret we shall not all die, but we shall all be given new bodies.  It will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown."
    Therefore, my first consideration is to prepare and be ready, not with my physical body, but with my spiritual one.  To do that, I need to work on changing my identity spiritually. 

I - imitate the life of Jesus -- 1 Corinthians 4:16  Therefore I urge you to imitate me.
D- do good and love others-- Romans 12:21  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
E- extend charity to everyone-- 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.
N-nightly talk with God--  Psalm 42:8  By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me—   a prayer to the God of my life.
T- tithe time and money--Malachi 3:8  Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ In tithes and offerings.
I - incorporate the Word of God into my life daily-- Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
T- testify about the trust of God-- Matthew 28:19-20  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age
Y- yield my life and my will to God-- Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jonah And The Whale

     I like the story of Jonah, probably because I can relate to him and his actions.  He actually thought he could hide from God, but he couldn't.  He thought there would not be consequences for disobeying God.  He was good at making excuses, but God was better at explaining.
     As I was doing my bible study lesson on this cold wintery day in "A Friendly Shade" I took more time considering what really happened between Jonah and God.  The lesson asked the following questions, and I inserted my responses.  For your own study, however, please go to the actual Bible verses.

Summarize what happened to Jonah from Jonah 1:4-17
  Jonah hid in the bottom of a boat and fell asleep.  He wasn't making a sound, not even a peep.
  The winds blew- the storm raged- the sailors prayed.
  The Captain gave Jonah a shake, "Wake up!" he said, "for heaven's sake."
  "Pray to your God to stop this raincloud," he shouted loud.
  Jonah cried, "Throw me into the sea, then the storm will flee."
  The sailors didn't want to die, so they listened to Jonah's cry.
  Out, out, to the sea he fell, to live inside a whale for a spell.

From Jonah 2:1-5, what did Jonah realize while inside the fish? 
  Jonah prayed in his time of need and began to repent of his rebellious deed.
  He knew God heard his cry, trouble was upon him, and he knew why?
  As he sank beneath the ocean waves, he longed to serve the God who saves.
  Locked away, imprisioned in the land of death; seaweed wrapping around with every breathe!
  Jonah began to give God his thanks, wishing, pleading for the safety of seaside banks.
  Jonah, no longer rebellious, turned to God with every thought, and deliverance is what it brought.

How did Jonah react to God's mercy toward Ninevah from Jonah 4:1-!5
  Jonah complained to God, "Just what I thought you'd do; all my preaching you just blew!"
  "That's the very reason I ran away; in your mercy and love you forgave them all, this day."
  "Kill me! Kill me!" Jonah pled.  "You didn't support whatever I said."
  Angry and sullen, Jonah went off to sulk; to watch and wait beneath a shade in all its bulk.

What object lesson did God give to Jonah as a picture of His concern for the people?
Jonah 4:6-11 
  Jonah's shade soon withered from heat, but God sent a vine to shade his head and feet.
  In comfort Jonah continued his wait; the vine died, & scorching sun was Jonah's fate.
  Angry over the dying vine, Jonah continued to whine.
  Then the Lord spoke, "You did nothing to create the shade, but you welcomed my aide.
  Why then, shouldn't I have changed my plan for a people living in a spiritual, darkened land?"
     You see, like us, Jonah ran from God's request.  He tried to hide but couldn't.  He was disciplined in order to bring him back to God.  He was strengthed and returned to do as he was told.  Yet, things still did not turn out as Jonah thought, so he became angry with God and he made excuses for his actions.  He was too proud and too concerned about himself and his feelings in order to consider others and to be thankful they had turned from their evil ways and received God's forgiveness.   

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I Did It My Way

     I believe the popular song, I Did It My Way, was sang by both Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. The lyrics went like this: 
                                          And now, the end is near
                                          And so I face the final curtain
                                          My friend, I'll say it clear
                                          I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
                                          I've lived a life that's full
                                          I've traveled each and every highway
                                          But more, much more than this
                                          I did it my way.
     I like the song as well as most other people, and I remember it best from Elvis.  Yet, when the final curtain comes for me, I really don't want people saying, "Well, she did it her way."  I would prefer they say, "She brought light to her life and others because she did it God's way."
     In one of the recent devotionals of In Touch,  the author writes, "God tells us, 'Don't give me a schedule- trust me.  Watch me do it My way and in My time, and see what happens.' "
     Further, The Gospel Project, reminds me that "God's presence is the highest good.  What distinguished the Israelites from others was that God was with them."   So, as a Christian, what distinguishes me is that God is with me, and if I can rid myself of my own stubborn self-will, I will try to do it God's way.   
     My prayer today is, "Lord, forgive me when I do it my way.  Help me trust in you, your way, and your time.  Thank you for being willing to continue to guide me even when I want to do it my way." 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Christ In Me!

     As I enter the new year of 2016, I do not know the way I may be going or what my future holds, but I do know my Guide.  He is the One who has promised to never leave me or forsake me.  He is the Vine that trims my branches so I may grow in spiritual maturity.  I am so thankful I have Christ in my life, and just pray that He will be tender with me, yet prune me as He sees fit.


Christ in me-
A pillar of cloud by day,
  directing to show the way;
A pillar of  fire by night,
  guiding toward what is right.
Christ in me-
A Gardener pruning the vine,
  tending the branches to align;
The true Vine, absolute,
  living, breathing, producing fruit.
Christ in me-
Joined as one,
  a Savior, God's own Son;
A pillar of cloud by day,
  beneath my wings, a vibrant ray;
A pillar of fire by night,
  the Holy Spirit whispering quite.
Christ in me-
  talking, walking, guiding true;
The One I look to.
Oh, halleluiah!  Christ in me!
                           Mary Crisp Jameson

John 15:1 TLB   "I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Gardener."
John 14:20 TLB "When I come back to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you."

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Live Within My Love

     When best friends let us down, we can really be hurt because they don't always accept us just the way we are.  Yet there is One who does.  Jesus will never let us down.  He is a friend who wants to live in us.  John 15, verse 4 tells us, "Take care to live in me, and let me live in you."   Then verses 13 and 14 tell us, "...the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends; and you are my friends if you obey me."  He has also told us that He will never walk away from us.  Jesus is the constant in our lives if we will only allow Him to be our friend.  He is never too busy to listen to our complaints; He wants to cheer us up and overflow our cup with blessings.  "You didn't choose me!  I chose you!  I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit always, so that no matter what you ask for from the Father, using my name, he will give it to you." vs. 16

   Live Within My Love

Live within my love -
Let me cleanse your soul;
  make your life whole.    
I chose you;
  let us be one, not two.
I am the truth, the vine;
  you are mine. 
I will guide you through a life that has no end,
  always remaining your friend.
Walk and talk with me,
  for in me, you find joy and glee.    
Live within my love -
I have blessings to bestow;
  your cup will overflow.
I will never walk away-
  a constant in life every day.    
Live within my love-
Obey me and my Father
  Let us bless you farther.
I laid down my life for you;
  I am the friend that's true.
Live within my love.
                       Mary Crisp Jameson

John 15:9  TLB "I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.  Live within my love."

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Resolutions

        I did not sit in "A Friendly Shade" and prepare a list of new resolutions for 2016.  "Why do them?" I thought.  I never keep them anyway.  So out with trying to lose weight, eat healthier, and exercise more.  Instead of reshaping my body,  I will simply work on reshaping my mind and thoughts.  Let me just be thankful for waking up to God's presence and going to bed with thoughts of Him.  I believe if I will put God first in my life then all the other lists of improvements that I could strive for may just fall into their proper place. 
     The In Touch devotional for January provided some good ideas to replace goals, along with scripture verses.  Below is a condensed version, and I used The Living Bible version:

* Do A  Clean Sweep - Rid the mind of attitudes and behaviors that hinder spiritual growth and relationships.
      Colossians 4:5  "Away then with sinful, earthly things; deaden the evil desires lurking within you; have nothing to do with sexual sin, impurity, lust and shameful desires; don't worship the good things of life, for that is idolatry."
* Talk Less, Listen More- Listen to understand others rather than listening to simple respond.
     James 1:19 "Dear brothers, don't ever forget that it is best to listen much, speak little, and not become angry;"
*Bark Less, Wag More - Replace complaints and criticism with thanks and praise.
     Philippians 2:14 "In everything you do stay away from complaining and arguing," 
     Philippians 4:4 "Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again, rejoice!"
*Celebrate Each Day- Find something special to rejoice over each day for every day is a gift from the Lord.
     Psalms 118:24  "Blessed is the one who is coming, the one sent by the Lord.  We bless you from the Temple."