I have written
several times about how important it is to avoid the use of credit cards in
order to financially save. What is it
about the problems with our spending habits?
I believe a lot of it has to do with being satisfied. In my own life, I feel energy and excitement
when I make a new purchase of some special kind only to turn around a few days
later wishing or longing for something else.
I am never satisfied for long.
My excitement over a new car, a new piece of jewelry, a new dress or whatever
it is soon disappears.
This being said,
the only satisfaction that endures the test of time is satisfaction in Jesus. Once we find satisfaction in Jesus and
maintain it daily and hourly then our desires for material possessions fade.
S eek Jesus
A ccept Jesus through belief
T hirst after Jesus and His righteousness
I ndulge in prayer with Jesus
S avor time with Jesus and in His Word
F ind time for Jesus
A lter your daily schedule for Jesus
C hoose Jesus first
T rust in Jesus
I mitate the ways of Jesus
O pen your heart to Jesus
N ourish your soul on Jesus
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