Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, April 28, 2022


      One day this week, I walked across the room and stumbled.  Thankfully, I did not fall although I would have been embarrassed should anyone have seen my arms going every direction trying to reinstate  my balance.  Then, again yesterday, I barely missed a fall when I stumbled down some steps.  
    Considering it, I stumble everyday.  I mess up.  I sin.  Thankfully, God corrects my stumbling.  He continues to watch over me, forgives me, and directs me.  So, what should I do when I realize I have stumbled? 

S eek God
T urn to God
U tter a prayer
M ake amends
B less others
L eave it behind
E nter into praise

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Easter and Miracles

Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus after His death on the cross.  Jesus came to die and then be raised again.  He came to take on the sins of the world and forgive our transpasses. God only asks that we believe in His Son to be saved. This great love is the greater miracle of all times.  Yet, there were many miracles in scripture leading up to the birth of Jesus and many miracles followed leading up the death on the cross.  Miracles are still happening today. Why?  Because God loves His people.



God parted the Red Sea and the waves climbed higher,

Followed by a cloud in the day and, by night, a pillar of fire.

The moon was made to stop and the sun to stand still,

Giving Joshua light to win the fight with God’s powerful skill.

The shadow of the sun turned back ten steps.

This was no mishap.

The mouth of lions was shut;

Daniel lived with no wounds or cut.

Four men walked in the midst of fire;

To save the three, was God’s desire.

Jonah lived in the belly of a whale, 

Another miracle to tell. 

Miracles exist, always.

A child was raised;

There was a virgin birth

Upon the earth,

There was water turned to wine;

Yet, people disbelieve and whine.

Five thousand were fed 

With only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

Jesus walked on the water, calmed the storm.

There exist miracles in every form.

Healing is taking place, 

Does not matter the race.

A Savior dying on a Cross

Come back to life, dissolving loss.


Yes, miracles! But sinners cynical.

A miracle, forever lasting,

Within the casting-

The greatest love - forgiveness of sin

And grace through Him.

Miracles! God’s wonders;

Count them by the numbers.


Mary Crisp Jameson. 4/15/2022


“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”  

Psalm 77:14 NIV 




Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Peter Prior to Easter

 Luke 22   

v.54 “…but Peter was following at a distance.”  Do we often follow Jesus from a distance without walking hand-in-hand.  From a distance, I could be caught entertaining strangers- gossip, deceit, fear.


v.55 “…Peter was sitting among them.”  (those responsible for Jesus’ arrest) Do we find ourselves sitting among those who do not love Jesus?  What do we do in such a situation?  Do we witness or deny?


v. 57 “but he denied it, saying, Woman, I do not know Him.”  Are we like Peter – too fearful to tell others that we know Jesus?


v.60 “Immediately, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed.”  What does it take to wake us to our wrongs – to realize we have sinned?”


v. 62 “And he went out and wept bitterly.”  Sin does this to us. But it is not too late to turn around.  Jesus died on the cross with arms opened wide for the repentant heart. He offers forgiveness.

From a distance, I followed 

But I was dry and hollow.

From a distance, I clung to fear,

Unwilling to let Jesus near.

From a distance, I rebelled,

Fearful, my love for Jesus, to tell.

Being distant, I was resistant.