I do not get on a soapbox very often, but I do have two major pet peeves. One is litter and the other is shopping carts left in the parking lot instead of where they belong. I truly understand the disabled not returning their carts or even a parent with a child left alone in a car when the receptacle is too far away; however, most of that is not the case.
What started me on this subject was two different occurrences. There were two times shopping carts were left stranded in front of my car today. The slightest wind could have sent them rolling in my direction. It is also frustrating to look for an empty parking space in a crowded parking lot only to find one, but it is occupied by a vacant cart.
The other occurrence was watching a team of people picking up litter off the side of the road. This was litter thrown out by someone else.
Not to be judgmental, but I believe littering shows little respect for our country and those who have to come behind and clean it up. Also, not leaving shopping carts in the appropriate receptacle shows poor cart etiquette and little consideration for others.
I often do grit my teeth when I have to return a cart during a rain shower or a very hot, sunny day. I also am not fond of keeping a bag with trash in the car until I reach an available trash can, but it is a small price to pay for a clean inviting roadside experience. I am not entitled, and I owe respect to others around me.
I encourage everyone to raise the bar. It is a good feeling when you know you have done the right thing.
I think what you are talking about is mostly a generational thing.