Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

God Wakens Me

I never know how many mornings God will waken me, but I know when He does, it is for a purpose. It is within His plans, and I rejoice. 

God Wakens Me

God wakens me,

But not just to be.

He wakens my eyes to see His beauty,

To see a need, 

To plant a righteous seed.

He wakens my ears to hear;

To listen, for He is near.

He wakens me morning by morning.

He wakens my thoughts to set the day;

To think to pray,

To prepare for, “come what may!”

To encourage a contentful day.

He wakens me in every way.

God wakens me, 

But not just to be.

He wakens my tongue for speech;

Giving words for outreach

And actions that teach.

God wakens me,

But not just to be.

He sets my face

And my pace.

He wakens and helps me stand,

He holds my hand through what He has planned.

God wakens me to trust in Him

And to sing a praiseful hymn. 

God wakens me morning by morning.


Mary Crisp Jameson  12/30/2024 


“The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.”  Isaiah 50: 4 NIV








Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Walking Stick

 As I walk into today and every day in the new year of 2025,  I want to remember verse 20 of Exodus in the ERV version, Moses "carried the walking stick with the power of God."
     I can also carry the walking stick with the power of God if I keep my heart centered on God.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Instruction Book

When I have a project to do, I like to try and figure it out myself although wise advice from others does often help if I am willing to accept it.  I hope I can listen more in 2025. It might make my life much easier. 

     In fact, being willing to take instruction is one thing but seeking it out is something else. Seeking instruction will be my 2025 goal. That is, seeking instruction through Scripture! 

     2 Timothy 3 tells me, “Scripture is for teaching, reproof, correction and training,” and I need this in my life! I need God ‘s instruction and advice daily!

Friday, December 27, 2024

School of Faith

We all have to go to school. Some graduate, get a job, and never look back for additional schooling. I have done the same. Yet, in reality, I am still schooling myself. I am in a life-long process of being in the “school of faith,” and it is built and developed by studying and reading God’s inspired Scripture. 

     Simon understood faith when Jesus asked, “Who do you say that I am?” Simon answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 

     True, Jesus was there in flesh and blood as He talked with the disciples, but there was more to the question.

     Jesus replied to Simon, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” 

     I have never seen my Jesus in flesh and blood, but my "school of faith" declares he is my Savior, the only Son of God, who died on the cross and took my sins upon Himself to give me eternal life. 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Birth of My Savior

Imagine, if you will in the world today, your daughter, unmarried and pregnant. It surely would not cause the embarrassment now as in the days of long ago, but I would still be concerned. 

     Perhaps the daughter wanted the child, then perhaps she did not. There are alternatives, some of which I would not agree upon. Here we have a living child inside, hopefully, a loving mother's womb. The child deserves a chance at life, a life planned by God. The daughter needs much courage to carry the child and raise it alone, but the rewards of motherhood far out-weight her difficulties along the way. 

     What would have happened in days of old had Mary chosen not to have the child that God placed in her womb? We would not have a Savior.

     Tonight, on Christmas Eve, I look forward to celebrating my Savior’s birth, and I am so glad and thankful Mary was a brave woman. She was a woman who deeply loved her child and never once thought of putting away the great blessing God gave her.  Jesus was planned, He had a purpose; He fulfilled that purpose not only to me but to everyone. 

     Jesus came to die for my sins. Alone the way as He grew and walked the land, He taught, healed, and witnessed. When the time was right He died and took on my sins, and then came to life again. His purpose was to save! My purpose is to believe and share the Good News!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Monday, December 23, 2024

Becoming Wise/Gaining Wisdom

As I was preparing for the Christmas Eve event, I thought about the Wise Men who sought Jesus. They were wise because they sought the Baby Jesus, traveling many miles over many days and nights. 


Webster says the meaning of WISE is “characterized by wisdom, marked by deep understanding, keen discernment, and a capacity for sound judgment.” 


Scripture gives many scriptures on WISDOM. (being Wise) Some of which are: 


James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."


James 3:17 “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." 


Proverbs 3: 13 “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.”


Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."


I desire to be wise. I desire wisdom. So how do I get it? 


W- ise relates to gaining wisdom from God

– nsight comes from God

S- eek God first

E- nter into a faithful relationship with God

Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Circle

According to AI overview, “A circle is a two-dimensional shape where all points on the curve are the same distance away from a fixed center point, creating a closed curve with no sides or vertices; essentially a round shape with a constant radius around a central point. “


According to Webster, “A circle is a closed plane curve, every point of which is equidistant from a fixed point within a curve. 


I like to think about my circle as unbroken with God arms around me, protecting, loving, and guiding with no way of escape to a world where Satan reigns. But, I also like to think about my circle as one day it will be; like, Johnny Cash sang, “Will the circle be unbroken. By and by Lord, by and by. There’s a better home awaiting. In the sky, Lord, in the sky.”

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Seven Dwarfs

The Seven Dwarfs are little cute, funny-looking men who befriended Snow White. I do not even know why I thought about them last night, but they were in a fairy story book with a copyright of 1972 from which I used to read to my daughter many, many years ago. I still had the book although it is frail and the pages are brittle. I looked up the story and, to my disappoint, the dwarfs were not named. 
     I know there are more important things in life to remember, but I wanted their names because I could not call them off.  I tried several ways to set their names to mind. One was putting them in alphabetical order, the next was by association, and finally by writing a silly little sentence: 
Alphabetical Order 

Doc: The leader of the pack 







By Association

Bashful                          (a B )

Doc and Dopey                (2 D’s or Opposites)

Grumpy and Happy          (Opposites)

Sleepy and Sneezy          (2 S’s)


Silly Sentence

I woke up both Grumpy and Happy; too Bashful to call 

the Doc and too Dopey to explain while Sleepy and Sneezy.

Hopefully, the next time I wish to recall their names I can. 


Friday, December 20, 2024

Christmas Love

Christmas is about love!


     Love did not just start at Christmas, “for God is love,” (1 John 4:8), and God has always been. 


    Yet, God showed me His love even more so at Christmas when my Savior was born. “In this was manifested the love of God toward us (me), because that God sent His only begotton Son into the world, that we (I) might live through Him.”

(1 John 4:9)


     Again, when Jesus was born God had a loving plan for me. He planned the Cross! “Herein is love, not that we (I) loved God, but that He loved us (me), and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our (my) sins.” (1 John 4:10)


Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Christmas Gingerbread Man

There is nothing better than the scent of ginger and nutmeg at Christmas, and nothing says Christmas better than a delicious sugary gingerbread cookie. 

The Gingerbread Man


It’s Christmas! Bah Hum Bug! What was this all about? I rolled under the sheets and gave them a tug. I was just a ball of dough with nothing much to show. 


Then something magical happened! First one hand rolled out, then another began to sprout. I soon found two feet that kicked me out of bed. 


Eyes appeared upon a small round head. I was all smooth and flat with a beautiful tan- just like a gingerbread man. 


Wow! Look at me!” I exploded in glee. Christmas! It’s Christmas! I had to rush! 


My scent filled the air with not a second to spare. I grabbed for my vest and began to get dressed. There was a classroom of girls and boys choosing me over bright red toys. 


They had put me on their list and sealed it with a kiss. They all had shouted, “Send a gingerbread man our way.” So many children were looking forward to a spicy Christmas day.


I did a happy jig and proudly stretched into a backward bend, knowing I was just their right, spicy blend, but I couldn’t forget the teacher who caught my eye with her attractive feature. 


She had requested a cinnamon and nutmeg scent, and I wanted her content. Maybe she’d use me in her gingerbread house. I’d surprise her! Slip in quiet as a mouse.


Excitement overtook me as I sent myself a kiss. I was thrilled to be at the top of their list. I dashed on some ginger and added more sugar and spice. Hmmm, I smelled really nice. 


In my haste, I snuck a taste. Yes! I was all sweet from my head to my feet. 


Next, I buttoned my vest, which fit tight across my dark tan chest. I fumbled with its buttons of red as the scent of ginger filled my head, Then, l looked in the mirror, but something was a’miss! 


“Oh my! Where was my sugar coat?” I quickly sprinkled more sugar around my arms and my throat, and then grabbed my beads and pearls, for that would be missed by those curly-lock girls. But what about the boys? Oh, not to worry! They’d be too busy with their games and their noise. 


As magic swirled through the air, I tapped my heels with a flair. I had much to do, no doubt, as I hurried about. 


I’m spicy, all sugar and sweet! Just right for sampling and oohh – so sweet to eat. I’d fill out those stockings – just right! All eyes would be happy and bright. 


“Oh yes1 It’s Christmas!” A smile hit my lips as I sucked in my hips. What a cute cookie I would be- just the key for creating glee in the classroom’s gingerbread fam’ily.                            


Mary Crisp Jameson -Revised 12/19/2024 


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Winter's Season

I believe I can learn something new every day if I just put my heart and mind to it. There is always an adventure ahead coming with the change of the seasons in my life. 

Winter’s Season


With nothing special to do, I took a mid-afternoon winter walk, away from any buzzing, distracting talk.

I heard only the crunch of my feet across the leaf-ladened ground. That was the only sound.

Looking down, I observed the vibrance of browns and tans in darks and light, all glistening bright.

Raindrops hung upon the sea of leaves which covered the ground like thieves.

No dirt was found, no grass was seen. There was no longer any green.

Summer was past, and winter had ushered in with a mighty blast,

Leaving fall behind but not off my mind.

Seasons come and seasons go; 

With winter, there are no yards to mow.

There are no gardens to hoe;

There are no leaves that glow;

The flowers do not grow.

With winter, time seems slow.

There may or may not be snow.

There are reasons for the seasons, 

And always there is something new to see, learn, and know.


Mary Crisp Jameson 12/17/2024


“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years. Genesis 1:14 KJV



Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Cure For The Heart

I think of doctors as those who know the cure for my ailments. I have never wanted to be one! 

     However, I do know a cure that needs to be passed on. It is the cure for the human heart. Therefore, I need to pass this information on, and I need to pass it on in love.  

     The cure is Jesus! 

Sunday, December 15, 2024


 Christmas is just around the corner, and I have joy! 


I may frown.

I may groan.

But in my heart, 

There is joy. 

I may mourn,

Be worn,

Feel torn,

But deep, deep down

I won’t drown

Cause I’ve got joy.

I may be sad,

And I may cry,

But I know why

I still have joy.

It’s ‘cause I believe,

And to Him I cleave.

He lives in me, 

Gives me glee,

And will not flee,

My life is Spirit-filled,

God willed,

Sin killed-

And that’s my joy!


Mary Crisp Jameson 12/15/2024 


“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11 NIV 

Friday, December 13, 2024

In Advance

With my prayer and hope for something, I know that faith in God doing it is believing. But I read something in Daily Hope that reminded me that faith is “thanking God in advance.” Normally, I thank God after, in gratitude. 

     To quote what Rick Warren stated in Daily Hope, “Faith is not just believing God can do something. Faith is not just hoping He will do something. Faith is thanking God in advance.” 

     Thanking God in advance – not after… I like that!



Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Feelings and Moods

I have a horrible confession to make. I do not always feel like being nice or doing the right thing. I don’t always feel like stopping what I am doing to help someone else or use my time for anything or anyone except what I am focused on.  

     Does this make me a bad person? It just means that I am allowing my moods to control me. I am living a life guided by my feelings. I am making Satan very happy. 

     If I live my life by my feeling, I will be a very sad and unhappy person. My standards give me no worth, no joy, and no true fulfilment. God’s standards are the ones that fulfill. I don't always need to feel it as “it is” but rather I need to feel it as “it should be.” I need to feel it and act it as God wants it to be. 

     Reflecting on my own moods and acting on my own feelings make me feel like Jonah who ran from the Lord because he did not feel like doing what the Lord requested. And where did that get Jonah? 


Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Snowball Effect

For some reason I was thinking about snow and snowballs. I don’t know why! It is a far cry from snowball weather where I live. However, I thought about how a snowball grows. The more snow you roll it in, the larger it gets. This might be called the snowball effect.

     That is why I would hate to create a snowball effect with envy, jealously, anxiety, and bitterness. I would hope to create a snowball effect with delight, commitment, and trust in God and what He chooses to give me. 

     I want my snowball effect to come from Psalm 37:4-5, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit you way to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He will do it.” 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christmas Hassle

Christmas Hassle


It seems like only yesterday I was storing away my Christmas tree,

And, now putting it back in its place with a happy, cheerful glee.

As I began to decorate, I found some garland had begun to shed.

I used it anyway, for to buy new I would really dread.

Some of my Christmas balls have gotten broken through the years,

But I re-fluffed a spot or two, not letting it bring me to tears.

A Santa pillow had gotten a little frayed,

But it can be patched with just a little aid.

Christmas is a time for joy and delight

Not for struggling with a spending plight

Or making the budget tight.

Christmas is to enjoy the Savior’s birth;

Let the home be filled with laughter and mirth.

It’s not for stressing through the Holiday season,

But for Jesus, who is the reason!

Christmas is a time to reflect upon the Cross; 

More so than decking the table with dressing, and cranberry sauce.

Christmas is a time for Jesus; 

A time to praise Him for loving us!

It’s not a time for hurry and stress 

But, rather, a time to know we are blessed.

It’s a time to envision the wise men seeking the new-born child,

Although it took a while. 

Christmas is not, so much, presents under the tree

But worshiping Jesus, who was born to die and set us free.


Mary Crisp Jameson 12/8/2024


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 NIV 



Saturday, December 7, 2024

Fruit of the Spirit

 I do not do well speaking in front of a group. I have no musical ability. I cannot sing or play the piano. Actually, there are a lot of things I cannot do. Some things I can do, although I have to work at it. What I strive for is to live by the "Fruit of the Spirit" which is "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Some are harder than others to develop. However, these are the things I wish for others to witness in me. 

Monday, December 2, 2024


As I was studying about my Prince of Peace, God's Son, I thought about the legendary children's story about Cinderella and her Prince Charming. Then there was Snow White and the Prince who appeared to kiss and awaken her. 
     My Prince (Jesus) rescued me at a young age, and He awakens me each morning to a new day to praise Him for His love and protection until He returns to take me to a place where I will "live happily" ever-after.
     Thinking about Cinderella and Snow White, I wrote my own story; one about Destiny. It follows.


Once upon a time there was a girl, name Destiny. She lived in a dark world. There was no light, only shadows in which to move around. 


She had been told there was a path leading to a bright new world. Some had found it and escaped to a sunshiny place. 


She dreamed about that world at night and, by day, sought and sought to find it. She took every path found but was unable to locate one that led to the bright new life she had been told about.


There was also a tyrant living in the land. He constantly told Destiny that this place was much better than the bright one she sought to find. 


He laughed and made fun of Destiny and often even bullied her, making her sit in ashes for hours at a time as punishment for seeking to escape. 


One day as Destiny sat weeping and crying in despair, a tiny light broke through the darkness.  


Her eyes blinked! She did not know what to think, but a new hope broke through to her heart. 


As a single tear fell down her cheek, she saw a hand reach out from a glowing light. The hand wiped her tear away. Then it reached out for her to take. 


When she placed her hand into its palm, she was instantly pulled into a bright new world; one filled with sunshine, rainbows, bright streets, riches and gold. She was no longer in a world of darkness or gloomy shadows.


Destiny had finally escaped. She had found the Light, the Prince, the King of Kings, and He took her into a new world and a new life. 


Her joy was filled that day. Her heart sang in every way, and Destiny knew she would live happily ever after. 

                                          …not The End… but The Beginning!


John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”