Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Won The Lotto!

     When people think of winning the Lotto, they think of money and all the possibilities that lie ahead of them.  However, face it, few people ever win the Lotto.   Paydays are about as close as most of us get.  Paydays actually make me think, more and more, of how I have really already won the lotto.  On the negative side, my first thoughts, after looking at my net earnings, are that I have a ‘lotto’ less money after taxes.  After writing out checks to pay my high utility bills, increasing gasoline expenses, and rising grocery bills, I have even a ‘lotto’ less money.  Then when I file my taxes every year, the government demands a 'lotto' more of my income. 
     What could I do different to reverse this trend?  I want to have a ‘lotto’ more money.  As I struggled with the battlefield in my mind, I thought, “There is nothing I can do about what Uncle Sam takes out of my check.”  Then I decided there might be a little something I could do.  I can become more politically minded.  Learn more about how our government spends our hard-earned money.  I can speak out, and I can accept my responsibility and vote whenever I have a chance.  I can also budget better.  That means keeping myself away from places that tempt me to dish out my hard-earned money on useless, meaningless eye-tempting gadgets, clothes, and many other things for which I really have no need. 
     What else can I do?  I want a ‘lotto’ more.  I think that is normal.  We all want a 'lotto' more blessings regardless of what we already have been given. 
     The more I thought about the Lotto, I decided to change my negative thinking to a more positive side.  You see, I won the Lotto a long time ago.  I won it when I accepted Jesus into my life at the age of twelve.  With God in my life, I have a ‘lotto’ more happiness, a 'lotto' more peace in my heart,  a 'lotto' more love toward others, and a Heavenly Force that gives me a 'lotto' protection and a 'lotto' guidance.  He partners with me every day.  By putting God first, including giving to Him even when I am trying to stretch my paycheck, my needs will be taken care of.   That is His promise, and I believe in Him.   
     I have truly already won the Lotto.    

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Laymen's 10 Commandments - Author unknown

     Sometimes we come across something so good we just have to pass it on.  The following was emailed to me.  I do not know who wrote these Laymen’s 10 Commandments, but as I reread them under “My Friendly Shade,” I decided to repost them in hopes of brightening someone’s day.   

 1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.
2. So why is a car's windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small? Because our past is not as important as our future.  So, look ahead and move on.
3. Friendship is like a book.  It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.
4. All things in life are temporary.  If it’s going well, enjoy it, that won't last long.  If it’s going badly, don't worry, that won't last long either.
5. Old friends are gold!  New friends are diamond!  If you get a diamond, don't forget the gold!  Because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold!
6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!"
7. When God solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities; when God doesn't solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities.
8. A blind person asked St. Anthony, "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?"  He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!"
9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them; sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you.
10. Worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace.
                                                                                    Author Unknown

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

     Today is Father’s Day!   Social media is filled with “Happy Father’s Day” greetings.  Sadly, for me, my dad has already passed away, but I have the profound knowledge and comfort of knowing that he has been given a beautiful, permanent home with God, and I have been greatly blessed with special, precious memories.  I am so grateful for my Christian dad.  He taught me so much.  He taught me obedience, respect, and courage.  He gave me love, protection, support, and forgiveness.  How did he do so much?  I believe it was because he was a Christian man who listened and learned from his earthly father and was guided by His Heavenly Father.  
     So just how do I spell F-a-t-h-e-r?    

F - a father is faithful and loves his children enough to discipline them when it is needed.       
    Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.  Proverbs 13:24
     “Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it…” Hebrews 12:9

A – a father is a good assistant; he guides and leads; he should be the head of the family but not a controller.    
     Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.” Colossians 3:21
    “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart.”  Proverbs 3:3

T - a father is a teacher; he teaches by instruction and example.  He also teaches about God and His love.  
     "He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live.” Proverbs 4:4
    “Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge.” Proverbs 14: 26

H – a father is a helper; he helps his children learn and sets the child on the path he should travel.  When the child makes mistakes, he forgives and helps them start all over again. 
     “Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men.” Proverbs 4:14

E – a father is an example in the way he lives, in his conduct toward others, in his attitude, and in his speech.   
      “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.  Ephesians 6:4

R- a father is a receiver as well as a giver.  A Father knows he may only receive back just a portion of the love he bestows, but he is willing to give it with his whole heart, anyway. 
    “... and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6
     …A wise son maketh a glad father…”  Proverbs 10:1

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Colossians 2:6-15

     As I was preparing to pick up a book to read underneath "My Friendly Shade," I remembered the challenge issued at our church. 
     Bro. Dustin had preached on Colossians 2:6-15 entitled, “Walk With Christ.”  He gave us six points on how to walk with Christ: passionately, deeply, solely, fully, purely, and freely.   As he paced back and forth across the pulpit it was easy to see that he was passionate about his walk with God, as we all should be.  At the end of the service he “nailed” his point across to the congregation, but he did not stop there.  He issued a challenge for everyone in attendance to continue reading  Colossians 2:6-15, each and every day, the following week in order to discover more of what these scriptures have to tell us. 
     As I remembered this challenge, I thought, “What better book to read than the Greatest Book ever written.”  I hurriedly dashed to the computer, pulled up, and printed 7 different versions of Colossians 2: 6-15.  I was certainly not going to be among the few who would not be able to raise their hand next Sunday, indicating I had not read these verses every day.  Knowing our devoted, fun-loving pastors, they will put you “on the spot.” Amen!  However, I wondered, what more would I be able to get out of this scripture than what Bro. Dustin had already so talented presented? 
     I am not supposed to make “excuses for my failing,” so suffice it to say I was missing the fact that the greatest Book ever written is loaded with words of wisdom in all different kind of ways.  People have been able to take just a few verses, just a few chapters, and even just one Biblical story and write a best seller. 
     While I was reading Colossians 2: 6-15 and thumbing through the different  versions, I realized, that although, I could never write the greatest Book ever written for it has already been done, I could write a best seller. 
     Why not? There are empty book shelves everywhere just waiting for another best-seller.  Sound silly? Maybe! But haven’t you ever wanted to write a book?  Most would say, “I can’t.  I have no story to tell.”  Colossians tells us differently.    
     Think about it!  You already have the story of your past.  You know where and how you were first born.   You know what your past life has been.   If you have been born again with Christ, you know all about your second birth.  You know about true life.  Therefore, you already have the outline for the beginning and the ending. 
     Part two, of course, is the plot of the story that leads you to the ending, in which you already know the outcome.  This part can get a little tricky. 
   You will need a partner to help with the plot; someone who can direct you and keep you inspired.  What greater partner than the One you truth the most; the One who raised you to new life?  He is the One who can help you take the beginning part of the story and list all those things in your life which you do not want to tell.  Then, jointly, take that list and “nail” it, cast it away; it is buried and will not become a part of your narrative.  Only the good will remain.  After that, if you will continue sharing ideas and talking with your Partner, He will keep you focused on keeping those inherit failures out of the story.
     Next, you will need to be able to insert all the correct adjectives, pronouns, and verbs to make your book a best seller.  Remember, a best seller has to be unique, and, to be unique, it cannot be written according to human tradition.  That is “old hat.”  You must be willing to “get outside yourself,” in order to become passionate about your book.  You must yearn for the right words. You will need to research your work deeply.  Aside from your Partner, you must work solely putting aside advice that steers you off course, leaving you with a need to make excuses.  You must guard against falling back into the human pattern of thinking.  You must work with your Partner fully; absorb His thoughts and His actions.  As you take on your Partner’s thoughts you will develop purely, grow stronger, and be more determined than ever to create a plot that leads toward a happy ending; one which will not leave you ashamed of your writing.
     If you can do all of this, a best-seller is actually possible, because your eyes will be open to the potential within yourself.  You can be triumphant!
     Don’t wait! Create within yourself the best book you can write.  Colossians 2 can assist you in writing that best-seller.  With God as your partner, you can be assured it will be “nailed” down just as He “nailed your sins to the Cross.” 



The Lamb

     Many times in the Old Testament we read of the lamb.  The lamb that was sacrificed upon the altar was to be without spot and without blemish.  Then when we get to the New Testament, we learn that Jesus is The Lamb.  He was the sacrifice for our sins, and He was without spot and without blemish.  He chose to die for our sins. 


Behold the Lamb!
I am amazed to stand before Him,
and not worthy to touch even His garment's hem.

Worthy is the Lamb,
who walked among men.
He healed the sick and the lame-
Jesus is His name.

The Light of the World is the Lamb!
He is the heart-felt presence in times of sorrow;
the One who comforts through each tomorrow. 

Praise God for the Lamb,
who intercedes for all our sin,
and delivers us out of the darkness from where we’re been.

The Blood of the Lamb
was shed for you and me-
He gave it freely, never wavering or trying to flee.

Watch for the Lamb!
He will appear in the twinkling of an eye.
He is the One you should not deny.

Beware the wrath of the Lamb!
He will come on a great white horse
with a mighty force. 

Behold! I am saved by the Blood of the Lamb.
My name is written in the Book of the Lamb!
                                                      Mary Crisp Jameson


Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Green Lawn

     Overlooking my “Friendly Shade” is a massive, fresh mowed green lawn.  How did it get so beautiful?  To answer my own question, I had to go back in time and remember the field of rugged stumps and underbrush.  The mounds of limbs and tree tops we had to drag and burn, at one time, seemed overwhelming.  It took a lot of determination and work to make this yard what we hoped and dreamed for it to be.    
     The first thing we had to do was figure out how we wanted the landscape to look.  Next we begin to burn and get rid of all the rubbish before we could even level, add topsoil, and prepare the ground for a new harvest of grass.  But, then just what kind of grass did we want?  How much water would it take for it to survive?  The planning was just baby-steps to getting to where we really wanted to be.  After all the planning, planting, watering, we had to nurture it.  No matter how beautiful it is today, we must continually water, clip, trim, and fertilize it. 
     Where, you might ask, am I going with all this?  It is a good comparison of   similar steps we must take on the highway to becoming good Christian servants of God, the One who “nailed our sins to the cross” to provide His people with a beautiful, well-disciplined life and to prepare for our lavish highway to heaven.  Of course, God already has our lives planned out for us, but we must take some necessary steps to get ourselves where He wants to take us. 
     To do this we first must decide to accept God as our One and only Savior.  Then we must decide what seeds we want to plant.  Do we want love, peace, good-will, wisdom, and a righteous life?  If so, those seeds have to be planted;  they need to be nurtured, and they need to be watered daily for them to grasp and take hold and form a deep root system. The only way to plant good seed is by reading God’s word and living by His word.  As with any yard, a pretty lawn is subject to drought, pestilence, and weeds.  Our Christian walk is the same way.   The more we delve into His word, the more we attend His church, and the more we associate with His people, the deeper our root system will grow and the less drought, pestilence, and weeds we will grow. 
     My lawn is, truly, a continuing work in progress.  Pestilence weakens me and my root system often tries to die, but when I begin to nurture and water it in prayer time and thanksgiving my roots once again spread out and grow.  My joy returns and my faith grows stronger.  I pray that God is looking down on my Christian lawn and will one day say, “Well done!” 

Friday, June 7, 2013

In His Hands

     As I was sitting under my "Friendly Shade" reading the Charles Stanley devotional magazine, my heart stirred over the  story about a down-syndrome baby.   These stories usually break my heart, but this one gave me an uplifted heart.   Within the story was a humorous prayer the child offered up to God.  She said, “Thank you for every people. Help us be kind to each other at the ballet becital. The cow jumped over the moon, and the three little bears ate their porridge."   Then she giggled. 
     I have no idea what a blessing a down-syndrome child can be, but many do.  They have learned that within that innocent mind there lies a gift.   I imagine that the child is always innocent, always caring, always loving, and always a blessing to their parents; however, they are always a child that has to be cared for.  They are a child the prospective parent fears.  Yet, they are a child of God, and God is watching over them.  He is the One who takes every event, every situation, and every disabled child and turns it to good. 
     When I was carrying my own child, I remember, so many years ago, promising God that if she would only be born a healthy child, I would give her to Him.   Then as she grew up healthy,  strong willed, and strong minded, I reminded God, “Hey, God, I gave her to you.  Don't you remember?  She is in your hands.”  When events happened in her life which were out of my control, I would visualize those hands of Gods; hands so big that they could and would take care of the whole wide world. Then I envisioned my precious, beautiful daughter held in those two big hands.  After that, I knew  and was comforted with the knowledge that I did not need to worry any more.  Whatever happened in her life was within the grasp of God.  After raising her to know God, all I  could do was offer up prayers for her well-being.  All she had to do was turn to Him.  He was in control.  What a blessing to give my concerns to God!     
    The whole world is in His hands!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Heaven On Earth

     The smell of fresh roasted coffee fills my senses as I step outside and settle into my favorite glider beneath my “Friendly Shade.”  The house has been cleaned and its fresh scent, along with the fragrant aroma of my coffee, leaves me with a rejuvenating feeling. 
      As I take my first sip of coffee, the freshly mowed, lush carpet of green grass fills my vision.  The trees have all leafed out from their long winter sleep, and the flowers have begun to bloom.  In fact, the rose bush, that came from a rooting which was my Mother’s favorite, is covered in beautiful yellow roses.
     Not only are my eyes filled with the beauty that surrounds me but I hear the chirping of the birds as they descend upon the just-filled feeder hanging from the pole nearby.  They feed for a while then ascend into the treetops and then flutter away only to return and repeat the same routine.  There is just something about the diversity of chirping in the air that adds a peace to the atmosphere which  surrounds me.  A hummingbird hovers nearby sipping sugar water placed there just for him. 
     Then, as silence fills my ears, I hear a rustling sound, and a squirrel scampers across a tree limb and down the trunk of a tree to examine the ground underneath the bird feeder.  As I sat and watch the squirrel feeding I hear another distant and remote sound.  I quickly turn my head toward the sound and watch as a deer eases out of the forest beyond my “Friendly Shade.”  I sat there silently and unmoving, knowing that any motion on my part will send the deer hurrying back into the woods from where he came. 
     I think, “This is heaven on earth.” 
     Just as quickly as that thought enters my head, the hummingbirds, which I love to watch sipping from their feeders, charge each other, and one zooms past my head.  I duck!   As I upright myself, a beautiful bright-colored bluebird flies across my deck and lands on a patio chair and poops all over the porch, and then it poops again on the cushion in the chair.  A drop of rain begins to fall and then another.  “Oh, no!  That means the grass will have to be mowed again much sooner than I had planned.   I glance back from “My Friendly Shade” and watch as a squirrel busies himself digging into my pot of flowers.  He is either storing food or seeking food he has already stored, but, in either case, he is demolishing the root system of my flowers.  I frown, grab my coffee, and take a sip.  “Yuk!”  It has already turned cold, so I rush back into the house.  As I open the door I look toward my once clean kitchen expecting the lavender pine-sol floor-mopped scent, mixed with my Crème Brulee oil from my Sentsy, to meet me at the door.  “Who turned off my Sentsy?” I ask?   Then, “Who turned off my accent lamps?”  I then see that mail has been tossed across a third of the countertop.  A dirty plate, once filled with a mixture of jelly and peanut butter, has been carelessly left in the sink just waiting for its remnants to harden and dry.  A half-filled glass of buttermilk sits nearby.  I look down as I step further into my newly cleaned house; there is a trail of dirt leading across the kitchen floor into the next room onto my recently vacuumed carpet.  Disgrumbled, I start to fill my coffee cup, but, miraculously, the last of the coffee had already disappeared. The pot was turned off.  "Grrrr!"  I began to pick up the newspaper that had been separated into a dozen parts and proceed to read the front page.  The headlines read, “Murder on Main Street.”
     “What just happened to my “Heaven on earth?”
     I can only imagine the beauty God has in store for me.  His plan will not be temporary!  There will be a lush valley of green grass, and it will not need mowing; it will not need watering to prevent it from dying.  There will be beautiful birds of every color and kind, but there will not be bird poop left in unwanted places.  You probably thought I was going to say, “There will not be husbands to clean up after,” but I better not go there.  I will just suffice to say, “There will not be houses to clean only followed by a constant repeat of clutter.”  Did I mention whether there would be husbands in heaven?  (On a lighter, friendlier note, in case a close, household male someone reads this blog, let me remind everyone this is simply a play on words. :)  
     There will be no evil, lies, murders, or anger at those who disrupt my “heaven on earth.”  How do I know this?   In Revelations 21:27 we are told, “And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”
     I can only begin to imagine! 

     “Behold, he cometh with clouds: and every eye shall see him…(1:7)”
      “And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.” (4:3)
     “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:” 10:1
     “And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;…And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.  And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones.  The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topoz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.  And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.  And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.  And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it:  for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. (21: 10-12a,18-23)
     I can only imagine!