Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Joke and Scripture for the Day

Joke for the Day:
The young grandson called the other day to wish his grandmother Happy Birthday. He asked how old she was, and when she told him "62" he was quiet for a moment. Then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
Age changes the looks of individuals.  To a child an adult looks old, wrinkled, and frail, and only after the child has matured and aged, himself, can he understand the wisdom of older people.   That’s the way it is with God’s Word.  His Word is timeless and only after we have caused the pages of His Word to become aged, wrinkled, and frail with wear can we understand God and His ways.  To know God’s wisdom we must first read the Bible and apply its words to our lives.  The world may change, but God and His direction for our lives never change.
Proverbs 14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


"What if you woke up today with ONLY the things you thanked God for yesterday."  Quotes like this should make a person stop and think.  We have so many blessing every day; some we don't even realize.  How many do you thank God for at the end of the day?    
Why Me?
 I counted once, then counted twice;
What was this in black and white?
I simply had to count them thrice;
The blessings I can recite. 
How could it be! What could I say?
They’re not deserved!
Too many I counted this day;
The blessings that I observed.
I cannot explain;
I don’t know why!
It muddled my brain,
The blessings I cannot deny.
Those blessings I counted thrice;
They overwhelmed me,
So I recounted to be precise;
Then stood in amazement and glee.
 No rhyme or reason could be found.
Why me Lord? I don't deserve a single one-
All those blessing on which I expound.
There is nothing that I have done.
It puts my soul in bliss,
To have the blessings you have bestowed.
Please let me not be remiss
To give you the praise as I travel this road.
                                                                                 Mary Crisp Jameson
The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.  Proverbs 10:22

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer for Teachers

When we think about bowing the knee it is about prayer time with our Lord and Savior.  But as my pastor said this morning, there are ways to pray.  He said we are to pray constantly, confidently, confidentially, evangelistically, and personally.   We were also reminded in our service this morning about the beginning of a new school year and about the teachers who are in charge of molding the lives of children; children who will be our leaders in future generations.  Our teachers and schools are in need of daily prayer.  As I thought about this I put together the following poem. 

It’s the beginning of a new school year!
The students are excited, and the teachers in full gear.
There are tons of smiling faces
With children moving to new grades and new places.

But there is something terribly remiss
When you think back and reminisce.

There are parents not offering support;
Disrespectful children of every sort.
The Pledge of Allegiance- It can still be said;
And children asked to bow their head.
But it’s only a moment of quietness;  
God’s not in their thoughts, if I had to guess. 
It just makes no sense;
God was taken away at the children’s expense.
There are no ten commandments on the wall;
They’ve been removed, once and for all. 
There can be no Bible reading
Tho that’s what children are needing.

It’s the teacher who's left out in the cold
As she strives to teach and mold.
Giving more of her time
Is a long hard climb.

So, I ask, “Who prays for the teacher all day long
As she teaches a child right from wrong?”

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rainbow

     The rainbow, a sign of God’s promise that he will never again destroy the land by flood, has never ceased to be a wonder with it's spectacular spectrum of colors arching across the sky.  Yet, last week when I saw the rainbow, arching just beyond my friendly shade, I thought, “Oh no, Lord.  Not now! Not yet!  Please just send a mini flood first.”
     Some of you may wonder why I chose to talk about a rainbow when we are in the middle of a drought.  As our pastor said this morning, “The closest parking space to the church is not what people are looking for right now.  They are looking for the shade to park beneath", and then he enhanced the idea of our extreme heat by saying, "It is so hot any remaining potatoes in the ground will be ready to eat when they are dug.  Just add the butter.”
     Yet, the rainbow can have more meaning than just God’s promise not to flood the land.  If you will go to my archives and read the May 22nd writing, the rainbow had an all-together different meaning for two small children, in the Philippines, who had just accepted Christ into their lives.
     As we think about the rainbow colors  (Roy G. Biv -which helps us remember the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) we can find special meaning to help us through the drought of no rain and, also, the drought that comes into lives.
R  stands for the riches we experience when we are saved.  Knowing we have the everlasting grace of God makes us richer than the wealthiest king.  We have the riches of God’s glory.
O-  stands for an optimistic view, knowing God will give us rain; God will give us blessings.  They will come in His season.  Our outlook should be, “The best is yet to come.”
Y-  Do you yearn for more? Are you constantly seeking something that seems missing in your life?  Then yield.  Yield to God and to His direction.  Give your will over to Him.  He will take your yoke and your burdens will be light. 
G- stands for give.  There is a saying that it is always more blessed to give than to receive.  When you're in a drought and you are down and out, look for something you can do for someone else.  There is joy in giving.  
B- stands for the Bible.  The word of God is to be studied.  Do you want to know God? Truly, know God!  Jeremiah 29:13 tell us, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 
I-  stands for the indwelling of Christ.  What could lessen our days of drought more than simply knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus dwells within us every minute of every day?  He is our hope.  
V-stands for victory.  With Jesus we will have the victory in life and in death as He abides with us. So, I say, savor the moment;  savor the drought.  We will have victory with Jesus Christ on His *Wings of Mercy. 

*  I underlined Wings of Mercy for there will soon be a new book out written by Charles Jones entitled, Wings Of Mercy - A Christian  View of Death . (Kindle addition on Amazon in next few days)