Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, September 9, 2011

9/11 Memorial

     9/11 or Sept. 11, 2001 is still being remembered, and rightfully so.  When I think of Sept 11, my first thoughts are that it was my mother’s birthday, but then I remember the tragic hijacking of four airplanes and the destruction of two of New York’s skyscrapers in the World Trade Center, the crashing of a jet into the Pentagon and the attempt to crash a fourth into the U.S. Capitol in Washington. D. C.   It was the brave passengers and crew on Flight 93 who decided to stop the hijackers from hurting more people and foiled the crash into the U.S. Capitol.  They lost their lives but saved our country from further destruction. 
     As we honor the heroes and the victims of 9/11 let us not forget that it was God who sent His only beloved Son to sacrifice His own life for the lives of others.    Through the sacrifice of the passengers on Flight 93 many lives were saved in the United States of America, but through the sacrifice of Jesus the world was offered a saving grace.
     I truly believe that it was God who placed those brave young men on Flight 93 just as I believe God has a plan for all His people if they will accept and have the courage to follow His plan.  When the men on Flight 93 said, “Let’s roll” they knew they would probably lose their lives and were willing to do what was needed so others would live.   In John 19: 30 Jesus said, “It is finished; and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost”  for us, so we could live. 

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