Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, March 18, 2012


  Act 2:2 Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” 
     Does this verse remind you of the excitement of a Nascar race? The sound of hot rod engines roaring across the race track sends chills through the spines of many avid fans of Nascar, much like the sound of a might rushing wind, and Nascar fans love to keep up with the race all the way to the finish line. 
     The sport of Nascar has ushered in an era of racing that requires skill and control by the one under the wheel; it requires knowledge of what’s under the hood; it requires a team of experts to change out parts, motors, and tires in a matter of minutes; it requires speed in filling up the tank with its source of power.   Nothing takes the breathe out of the heart and soul of the driver than to be stranded in the dugout for more than a few seconds.  The driver must get back on the track to win the race.   
     In comparison,  the Christian life is much the same.  Just as in Nascar and the race to the finish, Christian lives are repeated over and over.  We get up, go to work, come home, do chores, care for family situations, and go to bed just to repeat the process all over again.  And we have to take care of our engines.  The best way to fill the tank and stay fit and charged is through prayer and Bible study.  Unlike Nascar, it only takes one expert behind the wheel and that is God.  True, we may have to practice the habit, but to truly win a perfect race, it comes back to who we let take control.  Then we need to take a look “under the hood.”  What is under your hood?  In Galatians we are told what should be found.  The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, temperance….”    If we let go of any of these and take over on our own, we may end up like many of the drivers in Nascar- stranded and out of the race. 



  1. Ladies and Gentlemen start you engines with the power of the Holy Spirit. MNJ nice parallel story of Nascar power and Spirit power. cj

  2. Loved your blog!! Easy to understand.
