Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Voice

     As I sit under my "Friendly Shade" I long to know Jesus better.  But yet the ways of God are not the ways of man.  God is not so quick to judge. Even when man sins God continues to love and call his sheep back into His fold; whereas, man often just turns away.  David was a man after God’s own heart, but David sinned.  When Noah was building the Ark the people criticized and said he was crazy.  The people judged and mocked him and did not understand. 
     There are people in the midst of trouble and straying away from God today, yet Jesus continues to work in their hearts and calls them back into His fold.  Oh, if only people would think before turning their backs when the ways of other people do not conform to their ways. Continuous and unconditional love would help the grace of God shine through to the lives of others. 
     There is a voice that can be heard – a voice that feeds His sheep.  To know Jesus better we must conform to His ways! 


 I heard it in the whirlwind -
I heard it out-loud and within my mind.
Just what is that?
A voice! Quiet and softly flat.

I heard it again,
Across the meadow and the glen.
I heard it the thunder,
Just before I knuckled under.
Quiet but nudging-
Loving, yet not judging.

I heard the voice from deep inside-
Not me, not now,” I replied
I ignored it as I turned around,
But it persisted and was quiet profound.

I heard it through my distress;
Quiet but filled with tenderness.
The voice – It was one I knew;
Calling me from my worldly view.

The voice nudged at my selfish pride.
“I died for you,” it cried.
The voice was ringing loud and clear-
It resounded and brought a tumbling tear.

The voice! Do you hear it?
Small, quiet, and gentle - I must admit.
It takes you from despair -
Restores your life with gentle care.

The voice – I can hear it in the night-
Restoring me to a life of love and light.
It speaks to me,
And calms the raging sea.
                      Mary Crisp Jameson 

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