Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Randon Act of Kindness

     Random Acts of Kindness and Pass It On have been going on for years.  It is simply good deeds done with no expectation of gaining anything in return.  These acts of kindness are not often announced in the media, so we seldom hear about them.  Yet, they bring joy to the heart of those in need.  They can also bring satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment to those providing the kindness. 
     Often random acts of kindness are hard to do.  It involves getting rid of self and placing someone else first.  It involves giving up personal time to make time for others. It could also mean redistributing the financial budget to open up opportunities to give to those less fortunate.
     The second prayer offered up to God as described in “The Prayer Of Jabez," written by Bruce Wilkerson is a request for God to expand his territory.  This could be anything from a witness opportunity for God or a means of providing a random act of kindness. 
     God does provide blessings on us all, but He expects His second commandment to be observed, and that means, His people getting involved.   And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”   
     As I sit beneath my “Friendly Shade” and contemplate how I can provide a simply act of kindness on a daily basis, I realize that it can only happen if I become watchful, observant, and willing.  Life just cannot be “all about me.”  I do not believe that is a purposeful life.   A purposeful life means loving my neighbor; it could be a stranger, someone I do not even like, or one that does not like me.  This could be difficult!  How do I keep my mind open to moments of opportunity if I am not willing?   There has to be an attitude change- one that will make me receptive to any person I make contact with-  a willingness to help, a willingness to take a little time out of my busy schedule, and a willingness to share my own good fortune.  Only by acknowledging that God controls all the power, every activity, and every financial gain can I began to get rid of self.  Only by recognizing that all I have belongs to God can I make an earnest effort to give my valuable time and money to “love my neighbor as myself.”    
     I hope that at the end of the day, I can look back and be able to say, “Today, I was able to do a simple, random act of kindness.” 

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