Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Walking on Holy Ground or Dead Man Walking

     Are you walking on Holy Ground or just a Dead Man Walking?  
     I had been thinking about what it would be like to leave a legacy, but couldn’t quite come up with a summary of events that led to a legacy until this morning in church when we sang songs about “Holy Ground”. 
     When I think about Holy Ground I usually think about being in Church, but Holy Ground involves all that a Christian does and says and everywhere he goes.  Once God comes into your life you carry Him everywhere.  You are on Holy Ground in every walk of your life whether it involves the people you meet, the things that you do and say, or even the food you put into your mouth and your body.  You are on Holy Ground because God lives within your body, mind, and soul. 
     Even with God in your life, there are times when events leave you struggling with life’s situations, and you may be  tempted to say you are just getting through the day much like a “dead man walking.”  However, with God, all things are possible.   God is mighty, strong, and powerful. These traits He gives to His people.   God can make the weak strong or the strong weak.  When Gods' traits and His power are applied and added to the armor of the Christian spirit, a legacy is being formed.  Although the Christian may feel life no longer needs them, and they are much like a “dead man walking” their love for others, theirs deeds of kindness, their zest for God is actually leaving a legacy.  They will be remembered as having walked on Holy Ground. 

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