Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, April 28, 2013

God Is A Better Healer Than A “Band-aide Fix”

     My husband drives me crazy when it comes to a minor, temporary repair.  His choice of temporary fixes is, none other than, tape.  Tape can make a great patch job, but it is only a “band-aide fix.”  When the tape is removed the surface is left with a sticky residue; often very resistant to coming off, or else, we become complacent with the fix and just leave the ugly tape in place. 
     Band-aide fixes may have their place, but in the real realm of things it would be best to do it right the first time, thus savings time, money, and energy.  If you can’t figure out how to repair it correctly, then it is time to consult an expert.
     To solve life’s problems, there is no better expert than God.  He is the One who can either help you do it right the first time, or the One who can easily remove the “band-aid fix” without leaving a residue that will not go away.  God created you.   He knows where He created you to be; He knows who He created you to be; He knows what He created you to do.
     Speaking of “band-aide fixes,” God also created this world.  It was created by One God “under liberty and justice for all.”  If our nation’s leaders would come together and seek God’s will and unite in spirit for the good of this great country and its people, we would not need a “band-aide fix,” as the President has declared we currently have.   
     It takes working together to make leadership.  It takes leaving the “I want” out in order to consider the American people and what is best for them.   It takes creating a balanced budget and stopping extravagate government spending.  The American people do not need more taxation with more government spending. We do not need a "bridge to nowhere."
     To get rid of the "band-aide fix," we also need to eliminate unnecessary spending on aide to support programs that go against what this nation was founded upon.  Legalizing drugs, same sex marriage, and abortion will not heal our land. When the Israelites rebelled against God, their “band-aide fix” lasted 40 years.   I pray that we will be able to return to the "promised land."

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