Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's Just Things

     It’s just things!  The drug addicted individual lost it all; furniture, job, and trust.  It’s just things!  The long time job that someone thought would last forever is gone.   It’s just things!  The house caught fire and all was lost.  There are no more family pictures, no financial records, and no more treasured material possessions.   These are just a few examples of things that can be lost overnight.  They are just things!
     Don’t get me wrong.  I am very materialistic myself, and if I lost it all I would be devastated.  I would cry and mourn my losses.  I have to remind myself daily that God is the One who is important.  We are just passing through this life here on earth.  What we have are only things!   They belonged to God in the first place; He owns it all. 
     When losses occur I still have God in my life.  This is an assurance that cannot be taken away from me.  Once I accepted Him into my life and believed in Him, I have Him forever.  He cannot be lost.   
     Because of God, as the song goes, “The anchor holds though the ship is battered.  The anchor holds though the sails are torn.  The anchor holds in spite of the storm.” 
    Our country is a gift from God.   It is to be honored and protected.  Horrible events happen; earthquakes, bombings, tornados, and a host of other events that destroy the lives of people we love, that take down homes and leave a path of destruction, but Christians continue to have a hope.  We have a promise that loved ones which are lost have a heavenly home.  We are assured of being taken care of.  We have a promise that we have a heavenly home much more beautiful and serene than anything we could ever image here on earth. 
     Earthy possessions are just “things”. 


  1. EXCELLENT! Reminds me of how God takes care of our needs in Matthew 6:25-34. If God takes care of the little blue birds of the air (and He does) He will certainly take care of our needs too. cj.
