Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Black and White

     Through the power of the internet and the camera,  we have opportunities to view many wonders.  Some are magnificent man-made works of art but none of them compare with the breath-taking natural wonders created by God.   If the camera catches God's creations at just the right moment we gasp at the way the light streams through the woodlands, the way lightning explodes beneath the clouds, the flight of a new-born baby bird, the way a rainbow forms a half circle of colors across the sky and reflects into a lake below, the way a waterfall flows over and across the cliffs to a river below,  just to name only a few. 
     Nothing in nature is completely predicable. In other words, it is not all “black and white”, however I would like to share some fascinating and rare black and white works of nature. The squirrel pictures were taken in the Magnolia area.  Although I have heard of sightings of white deer in or near Stephens, the one here is a recent snapshot from a friend of a friend who lives in Tennessee.

      Sitting in “A Friendly Shade,” I have to admire photographers who are creative enough to catch these natural wonders and pass them on for others to enjoy.   Rare visions occurring in nature remind me of Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.”

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