Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, November 28, 2013


     It's Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for parents who loved me enough to discipline and teach me respect for others.  They did not send me to church; they took me.  To get up on Sunday morning and go to church was not an option; it was expected.  They introduced me to the "Greatest Friend" I will ever have.
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for family times over the years with grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, neices, nephews, and lots of  aunts, uncles, and cousins.  Memories of companionship, family love and ties along with a table full of turkey, ham, dressing, yams, and all kinds of other foods fill my heart and my tummy. 
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful that although there were difficulties in my first marriage, there was love.  We grew up together.  We enjoyed each other's company.  We were the proud parents of the most wonderful blessing in my life, and our daughter will always be my greatest blessing.  I will love her until the day I die. 
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for the man I am married to today.  He is understanding, patient, and kind. 
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for my special friends.  Some who I could not think of as ever missing from my life.  I cherish their understanding and their love for me.
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for my job -  the people who have touched my life during my career; my bosses, my co-workers, and all those people I have had the privilege to serve.  They have truly have made my life rewarding. 
     It's Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for my church family and its leaders.  Although I may only nod their way as I pass them by, it is their smiles and friendliness I look forward to every Sunday.  These are the ones who will lift you up in prayer and offer support in times of trouble.  I am so thankful for the pastor, associate pastor, song leader, and all the others who work in the Lord's service providing dedicated service to keep my family and me close to the One true power in our lifes.  
     As I sit here in "A Friendly Shade," and consider all the things I have already mentioned, I must acknowledge that God has been in control through it all.  He is the One I offer up my praise of thanksgiving to, and I pray to be more thankful all year long and not just today. 

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