Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Constant Companion

     Technology has become my constant companion.  Suddenlink is my internet provider and its name supports its meaning, "coming quickly" and a "link".  Verizon is my mobile phone provider.  They both connect me instantly to businesses for home shopping experiences and to friends on facebook and email.  What would I do without this quick connection to them?   
     Down through the ages we have had different links and connections.  There was and still is the mail, the phone, the personal visit, and the computer but text messaging is fast becoming the favored method of communicating.  I have found that if I forget my phone and leave it at home I turn around, no matter how late I may be in getting to work.  I just cannot be without my phone.  I would be lost without it.  What if I missed a call or a text message? 
     As I think about all this growing technology, I have to admit that none of this will get me in touch and on a communication level with God.  None of this great technology can replace a personal prayer life and a daily walk with God through the pages of His Book.   
     There is one consultation for when I fail to offer up a prayer in the morning before I leave home for work.  I do not have to return home to get God.  The reason is that He is with me at all times through the Holy Spirit who lives within my heart.  What I do have to remember; however, is to slow down and allow God to talk with me.  I often miss His call because I just do not listen for His vibration within my heart like I listen for the phone vibration alerting me to an in-coming call.   
     Last Sunday our pastor requested  that the members of our church fast and pray one day a week.  This is something few of us do, but as I searched the scriptures I found that there were times when people fasted.  In Matthew 4 we are told that Jesus fasted.  In Matthew 6 it says, “When you fast.”   It does not say “If you fast.”  I do believe that God listens to every prayer and every request, but by fasting we are showing a deep desire to seek His will.  We are allowing God to slow us down to listen to us, to respond to us, and to allow us to praise Him, as well. 
     I personally want a sudden, coming quickly, link with God but, more than that, I must have a daily constant walk with Him.  He is the One who sustains me.  I need that constant link in order to get me through the events of my daily life.  In order to obtain this link to my Higher Power, I need to disconnect the  Suddenlink and the Verizon connection I have come to rely upon in order to keep me in touch with earthly people and things; otherwise, I will not create time to talk with God and allow Him to be my constant companion; the One who will refresh and nourish my soul.   
     The only excuse I would have not to disconnect my service is by down-loading a Bible application and reading it daily followed by a true connect to God through prayer.      








1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary- My name is Connie and I am with Suddenlink. Thank you for taking the time to pay us this wonderful compliment. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time should you need to. Thanks! Connie
