Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Memory

     Christmas is a time for making memories!  We watch and delight in how our children and grandchildren react during their early childhood toward Santa and the twinkling, colorful lights of Christmas.  We stack brightly wrapped presents under the tree in anticipation of bestowing gifts to family and friends.  Even when plans are disrupted Christmas events are still memories.  One Christmas my family spent many trips traveling back and forth to the nearest shelter.  We could not open presents for the tornado sirens sending out warning signals of pending danger.  This Christmas, my memories will be filled with attempts to prepare a special Christmas dinner.  The   electrical power, and thus my cook stove, was out for two hours at just the wrong time.  The option was to have either a very late dinner or go out for hamburgers.  Another family spent the time opening presents by candle light and flashlight. 
     Overcoming unexpected situations may be just what it takes to make a memory special, but so many Christmas memories simply fade into the background unless we capture the event and revisit them as we thumb through the treasured pages of our scrapbook. 
     However, there is one Christmas memory which never fades, and it is the very reason for the season.  We remember the event of Jesus’s birth because He was born in a lowly, stinky stable.  He was a baby who was born away from home, and the only place He had to sleep was in a dirty, animal trough filled with dusty smelling hay.  Yet, there was joy everywhere!  Joseph and Mary could not have been prouder.  The wise men were so excited when they saw a bright star shining from the East that they went in search of the child to worship Him.  The shepherds were overwhelmed and afraid when “the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone around about them…and a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”   
     Regardless of how the world celebrates Christmas and regardless of the memories each Christmas holds, the birth of Jesus is the only reason for Christmas and it is His memory we need to keep with us during the Christmas Season.  His is the only one that will give true joy.  Those who are trying to make “Happy Holidays” a memory will never be able to do away with “Merry Christmas” because the birth of the Christ Child is truly the only memory worthy of praise.  He was born to walk among men to tell the world about His Father.  He was born to give life, the greatest gift of all, when He created yet another memory of Himself hanging from two pieces of wood tied together to create a rugged cross.  From this cross He bled for our sins.  His Christmas gift is the joy that comes from knowing we have eternal life.
     “For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”  Luke 2
     To truly make a lasting magical Christmas memory, we must keep Jesus in  Christmas.   



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