Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Oxi Clean- Stain Remover

     As I was watching a television commercial about Oxi Clean which claimed to be the number one stain remover, I couldn’t help but wonder what really was the number one stain remover. 
      After looking up the definition, a discoloration, a spot, a blemish, or something that penetrates, I quickly determined that Oxi Clean was not the “number one stain remover.”  We all have personal stains in our lives; stains that penetrate the surface and leave spots.  Some of which are not easily removed.  What do we do to scrub away the stain?  If we can't scrub it away, are we able to camouflage or hide it or just cut the stain out, patch the spot and hope no one notices it 
     In Luke 19 we find Jesus going to the home of Zacchaeus, a man known to be a cheat and a sinner.  He was stained.  Yet when Zacchaeu admitted his fault Jesus said unto him, “This day is salvation come this house.”
     In Luke 7 a woman in the city who was stained with sin brought an alabaster box of ointment and washed Jesus’s feet with her tears and wiped them with the hairs of her head.  Jesus removed her blemishes and stains when he said, “Thy sins are forgiven.”
     Again in John 8 there was a woman brought to Jesus who was stained from the act of adultery.  Jesus simply asked the accusers which one was without sin and which one would cast the first stone.  Realizing that none of them were sinless they left one by one.  After they had all left Jesus lifted up himself and said to the woman, “Neither do I condemn thee; go and sin no more.”
     Now I ask, “Who is the number one stain remover?”

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