Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What Really Matters?

     In church today, the pastor talked about what really matters.  He reminded us that all we have can be placed in a pile and be gone in an instant.  Yet, the love of Jesus endures forever.
     As I sat in “A Friendly Shade” this afternoon and thought about Mother’s Day and the joy a child brings, I know what really matters to a mother.  It is not the gifts they bestow upon us, but it is the time they take out of their busy schedules to visit their mom.   What really matters is the touch of their hand as they slip it, ever so quietly, over yours at church during a brief prayer.  There is so much love in that touch.  What really matters is their companionship, and their loving acceptance of your ways.  What really matters is the well-being of the child.  What really matters is their health and their happiness.   
     Isn’t that also what the Father desires?  He wants to provide “channels of blessings.”  He wants us to be healthy, happy, and protected.  However, the Father also wants our companionship.  He wants us to slip into a loving prayer life with Him.   He wants us to be thankful.  He wants our acceptance and to love His ways. 
     In a nutshell, what really matters is accepting The Father, His salvation plan, and His love.

 Philippians 2:2   Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.    

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