Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Thursday, October 22, 2015


        Our pastor started a sermon series on Simplify this past week.  In today’s world where there is so much stress with jobs and people wanting to have bigger and better, “keep up with the Jones” so to say, it is a good thing to talk seriously about keeping life simple.
     Simplification speaks to me.  I, like a lot of others, struggle with relaxation and keeping life simple.  The first thing that came to mind when I decided to approach this subject was the Sermon on the Mount and meekness.  
     In the Sermon on the Mount, the Kings James version, Jesus taught, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”  I have always considered meek as quiet, gentle, unprotesting, and humble.  Being meek is an attribute of human nature and behavior and defined several different ways, such as teachable, patient, and willing to follow teachings. 
     In The Message version of the Sermon on the Mount, it reads a little differently than the Kings James version:   “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are – no more, or no less.  That’s the moment you find yourself proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”
     Psalm 37:11 further talks about the meek,  “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity."
     What does this say to me?  It's a way of finding happiness within myself.  In learning to relax, we should laugh more, find humor in the little things, forgive without being asked.  When I learn to be patient, become more interested in character building than material possessions, make family and God my priority, and truly have faith that God is in control of every event in life I believe I can find happiness through simplification.   
     With this said, let me take Simplify a bit further.

S-alvation –To really be blessed with who we are and enjoy just being ourselves and living in simplicity, we need God in our life and this has to be accomplished through belief in Jesus and obtaining the salvation experience.  Only God can change our hearts and help us be content with what we have and in who we are.    

I-n the Word – To know God we must read His Word.  There is no greater satisfaction than having God in our lives.  No amount of material possessions, fancy cars, or huge nice homes, which keeps us in debt and worried about making ends meet on a monthy basis, will provide this experience.

M-aster the art of staying within our own financial budget.  Not being able to live within our financial means through purchases that are not a necessity keeps us worried and stressed.  It robs us of our happiness and contentment.     

P-ray daily and often to praise God for all He has done for us; pray for others, interceding for their needs, and pray for our own needs as well.  God is always willing and ready to listen and give us strength and courage to meet any situation.  Prayer is another way of getting to know God and finding peace in a simply life.   

L-ive obediently – God’s word tells us how to live in order for Him to bless us through the plans He has for us so that we can truly enjoy life.  If we distance ourselves from God we are also delaying the blessings God has in store for us.   
       L-earn to relax and enjoy sunsets.
       L-augh like there is no tomorrow
       L-avish in peace and calm without comparing what we have to others  
       L-ove God and people

I-mmediate gratification, idle time, and idol worship of things we put before God are our enemies.  Learn to eliminate these to avoid over-indulgence and self-gratification.

F-orgiveness from our wrong-doings should be sought continually.  We are all like sheep going astray.  With forgiveness also should come a willingness to make amends as quickly as possible. Grudges or hard feelings toward others hurt our own inner-self.  How can we achieve simplification if we are not at peace within ourselves? 

Y-ielding our stubborn self-will to Jesus and His direction brings many unforeseen true blessings and with these blessings come satisfaction in living humble and simplified.

   The Message version of Matthew 6:30-33 reads, "If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers- most of which are never seen - don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you.  What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving.  People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.  Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.  Don't worry about missing out.  You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met."


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