Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

So? Whatever! 365 Laughs and Devotional

     Sometimes I get just a little silly in my more "creative writing," like the one dated August 25th in my devotional book, So? Whatever- 365 Laughs and Devotionals.

A couple was having a discussion on what to do now that they were on their honeymoon.  The man wanted to be boss and said, "If it had not been for my money, we would not be here."  To which the wife replied, "Honey, if it had not been for your money we would not even be a WE."

What makes a "We?"
It's companionship as all will agree.
Who makes a "We?"
It's Jesus in the heart of she and thee.
How can I become a "We?"
Ask the Lord to come in with a plea.
How did He provide a "We?"
He shed his blood for you and me.
What discussions can be had as a "We?"
Simply bow and fall upon your knee.
Will happiness abound, united as a "We?"
No greater blessing, no greater glee.

Psalm 55:13  "But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend."

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Church

     What is a church?  Even though there are people who do more work in the church than others, I  believe the church is a body of believers working together with God as the Head.  In Ephesians 1:22-23 we find:  "And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church,  which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way."
     When I think of the church I have such fond memories of the small country church I attended when I was growing up.  Although most of the people I knew are no longer there, I remember this church as the basis for my salvation, and I love to sing the song we so often sang.        

Church in the Wildwood  
There's a church in the valley by the wildwood
No lovelier place in the dale
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the vale

Chorus (Oh, come, come, come, come) Come to the church by the wildwood
Oh, come to the church in the dale
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the little brown church in the dale


My poetry lyrics are as follows:               
There's a  church
beneath a shady birch;
A spot so dear, answering a worldly cry.
Oh, come to the church, sharing Jesus and why.
 Come and drink to your soul;
Find the Word to keep you whole.
Come, come! Sip the flavor;
Fill your cup with the love of the Savior.
Hear the call from your nearby church;
The place leading, guiding toward life's search;
A people committed, loving, caring, giving;
A people praying; forgiving.
Find peaceful rest in God's own place
Where, outside, waits a vulture in watchful space;
Inside sits, a sinner fallen from lofty ways
Seeking joy to follow his days.
Come and drink to your soul;
Find the Word to keep you whole.
Come, come! Sip the flavor;
Fill your cup with the love of the Savior.
Oh, come to the true and peaceful church;
Calming, rousing from a falling lurch;
Find it sowing seeds to sprout;
Beneath its shelter, sharing what life's about.
Oh, come to a lovely place;
Dwell in His grace.
Find the heart, with busy people,
Building a mission steeple.
A people - God's own,
Telling of His love, beginning to end, forever-shown. 
Oh, come, come, come to the melody sounds of the calling church,
Giving rest underneath its shady birch. 
                                                Mary Crisp Jameson

Thursday, August 18, 2016

School is Back

     School is now in full force!  Teachers are busy. Really, really busy!  They are trying to get their classrooms in order, attending meetings, preparing schedules, calling parents, and working more hours than the majority of people realize, all for the sake of teaching other people's children.
     Since my daughter is a dedicated teacher, I see what goes into the school year, and I do not take their careers lightly; however, you will find below a few comical excerpts from two books I co-authored which can be found as an ebook on the Amazon Kindle site.  Just click the link provided:

Book- A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Morgue  (true humorous short stories)

    In the days when many of the rural school board members did not even have a high school education, a particular board member, who did not have any appreciation for the finer aspects of the teaching of grammar and punctuation, came to school one day and wrote upon the chalk board, "The board member thinks the teacher is a fool."  As he completed his writing, the teacher took the piece of chalk, stepped to the board, and corrected the sentence with a couple of commas, resulting in the following: "The board member, thinks the teacher, is a fool."
Here's another:

     In the mountains of northern Arkansas or Southern Missouri sometime around the turn of the last century a man applied for a teaching position in the rural school.  The school board asked, "How do you teach geography?  Do you teach that the earth is round or flat?"  The teacher responded, "I am prepared to teach it either way."  He got the job. 

    Then here is another from my So? Whatever! 365 Laughs and Devotionals with Foreword by Mike Huckabee:

     A third grader was giving a demonstration speech at school using items from home. Realizing they had left the items needed for the speech at home, the mom rushed back to get the stuff.  The apple, the orange, and the raisins were gone.  "Oh," said the dad, "I had that stuff for breakfast."  Reporting back with an explanation and apology, the teacher said, "Gee, that's first. 'My dad ate my
homework.' "

     Family members are full of surprises, but it is good to establish a pattern that can be recognized in daily life.  Parents should want their children to expect prayer at meal times, recognize when the alarm goes off in the morning that time will be spent in Bible study and prayer time with God.  Getting up on Sunday and going to church should not be a question.  When the Christmas tree is put out, the family will talk about the birth of Jesus, and when Easter comes, they will talk about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Children should be given family traditions revolving around their love for Jesus; knowing the Holy Spirit leads, intercedes for them, and guides them throughout their lives.  There is a saying that is good, "A family that prays together stays together."

1 Timothy 3:4  "He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Devotional for the day

The following is the August 18th devotional from the book, So? Whatever! 365 Laughs and Devotionals,  which was written by myself, Mary Crisp and co-author Charles Jones.  The book's Foreword is by Mike Huckabee.  The ebook Kindle addition can be found on Amazon.  Just click on the following link:

August 18
     A preacher went to heaven and noticed a cab driver had been awarded a higher place.
      "I don't understand," he complained to God.  "I devoted my entire life to my congregation." 
     God replied, "I reward results.  Was your congregation attuned to you whenever you gave a sermon?" 
     "Well," the minister had to admit, "some in the congregation fell asleep from time to time." 
     "Exactly," said God, "and when people rode in this man's taxi, they not only stayed awake, they even prayed."

Do not be misled.  When we die, Christians won't be left with an earthly body.  "The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.  So will it be with the resurrection of the dead.  The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable."  We are weak in the body, but believers in Christ will be raised in power.  Therefore, stand firm, giving yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because your labor will not be in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52  "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed -- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."  

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Adore Him

     I often find myself complaining about so many little things until I begin to admire all that surrounds me in "A Friendly Shade".  It is then I stop and think my Lord for all the wonderful blessings He has bestowed upon me, and I feel ashamed for my doubts, fears, and complaints.  God has indeed been so gracious and showed me so much love, not just for my current blessings, but for His amazing deed and willingness to die on the cross for a complainer and sinner like me. 
     So often I fail to give Him praise and adore Him.  As I remembered the song "O come, let us adore him," I decided to write my own praise to glorify His name.

Adore Him
Glory and honor belong to Him;
God first, foremost, my daily hymn.
Let me adore Him with song;
My Keeper the whole day long. 
Let me adore Him with thanksgiving;
The One for whom I'm living.
He reigns!
Fills the land, the fields, the plains.
The sea is His; He who formed dry land,
Then stamped it with His mighty hand.
Glory and honor belong to Him;
He who wipes my tears till sorrow grows dim.
My Rock, my strength;
Peace that comes at length.
Come! Let us adore Him;
For the cross; the blood shed from limb to limb.
Adore the One from whom love shines,
His life, the Trinty that binds.
Glory and honor is His alone;
A Savior, my sins to atone.
Oh, come! Let us Adore Him
Till joy fills us to the rim and our eyes grow dim. 
                                                       Mary Crisp Jameson
Psalm 95:1 "O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our
Psalm 96:1 "O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth."
Psalm 97:1  "The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof." 
Psalm 98:1 "O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he hath done marvelous things: his right
   hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory."