Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Revised Letter to God

Revised Letter to God

A few days ago I published my letter to God but left so much out that I need to say.  Below is an updated and much longer letter.

Dear God,
     I am weak and lacking in so many ways, yet you are the great Creator of my days.  
     Strength of character was molded into Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego.  Help me too, in faith, to grow.  As you protected Daniel in the fiery furnace, thank you for protecting me, showing your love, full and earnest.  As you closed the mouth of the lion when Daniel was thrown into the lion's den, thank you for my protected predestined fate as I walk, selfish-hearted, here among men.
     Lord, I am in some ways like Jonah, not instantly obedient as was Noah.  But Lord, Jonah received, from you, second chances.  So please rescue me from the sinful weight of my circumstances.   As Noah was obedient, bestow in me that same ingredient. 
     Like Samson, I have serious flaws, enough I am sure to give you pause. Strengthen me Lord.  Make me confident in your provision, as was Abraham; knowing that you will provide, as only you can, for this poor straying lamb.
     Lord!  Give me endurance as strong as Job's, sustaining me in your blood-stained robe.  I fear to ask for Job's patience, but let it replace my complacence, giving action to your Word and persevering with shield and sword. 
    Please give me even more perseverance like Paul's as he traveled for your cause, always humble without self-applause.  Help me remain a loyal servant, as did Paul, though he was confined to prison but always preaching, teaching that you, the great I Am, is risen.  Thank you that I am, as Paul was, loved and forgiven.
     Let me be, Lord, a woman dedicated and loyal as in the example of Ruth.  Always let me show forth honesty and truth.  When in harm's way or striving to make a decision, let me do as Ester, seeking your face morning, noon, and night so you may guide me into the light. 
     Lord, I know this letter is getting long, but I don't want my life going wrong.  Please bear with me as I endeavor to lift the blinders from my eyes and truly see.
     Please don't let me follow in the footsteps of Judas's betrayal or Peter's denial.  Keep me true to you through earthly trial.
     I pray you protect me from evil as you did Lot.  Let me give it all I've got, not looking back as I flee from evil as did his wife, ignoring the instructions which would bless my life.  I pray that I am not defiant, willing to grow in faith, a faith as strong as David's when he defeated Goliath. the giant.  I pray for the right words to say when wrongs are apparent like you gave the right words to Moses and Aaron. 
     Lord all the people I have mentioned were broken with character flaws in some way, but you used them for mighty deeds in their day.  Use me too, Lord.  Strengthen in me your Word. 
     Finally Lord, I know Satan is going to and fro, not wanting me to grow.  Keep his wicked, godlessness from my door so my sinful ways are less than they have been before.  Put wings beneath my feet to avoid his deceit.
     I thank you for my new name.  Just as you changed the names of Sarah, Jacob, and Abraham, I lift my voice saying, Lord, here I am.  I thank you for my name change though I am not worthy because of my shame.  Yet, I am proud to be called Christian and Child of God as I venture into my predestined mission.      
     I bow before you, Lord, thanking you for your love in spite of what's I've done, for only you know my work and, though flawed and marred, it has only, daily, just begun. 
                                                Your Child, 
                                                 Mary Nell

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