Jesus gave us many parables in the Bible which illustrated a spiritual lesson. This morning as I was reading in the Book of John, I wondered why Jesus' very first miracle was the changing of water to wine. What point was He making? I did some research and found several opinions, one of which I tended to agree with. Then I developed a few thoughts of my own.
Now, I have never
made wine and really do not know the process, but I do understand that the
grapes have to be broken down in order to start the fermenting process which leads
to a fine tasting wine.
Therefore, my
theory is that Jesus may have been pointing to either one of two things. First, the breaking of the grapes into wine
may have symbolized that He would become broken, beaten, and placed on the
cross in order to take our sins upon Himself so that we, believers in Christ,
could be redeemed (fermented ) and made adopted children into His family.
Secondly, we
sinners, are broken down much as the wine grapes. Christ takes us, as sinners, forgives us when
we ask, and we then develop over time into stronger characters for Christ. Our fermenting takes time. We must accept Christ as the very Son of God,
knowing that He died for our sins. As we
delve into His Word, learning more about Him, our fermenting becomes finer with
Some commentators
tell us the barrels which were filled with water may have been those used by
the people to wash with. If so, maybe the
barrels (us) were dirty and then cleansed (with forgiveness of our sins) and
made "white as snow" ... a fine wine indeed.
Of course to
become finer with age, I cannot leave out what we must learn, and that is the
fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,
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