Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day - A Restful Holiday

     Labor Day is a United States Federal Holiday designated by man for  the contributions made by men to the labor force.  Those who are able and those who choose to work as God intended without depending on others to take care of them, gladly take this day off from their jobs, but it is not necessarily a day of rest.  We often find some other form of work that keeps us busy.   We are so busy being busy we forget some very important issues in life.
      It is the same on Sundays.  We are so busy being busy we forget about God.  On the seventh day God ended His work and He rested.  He actually blessed the seventh day and declared it a day of rest.  Sunday is our weekly Labor Day that was designated by God.  But do we take the time needed for the important things in life? Do we slow our pace and rest?  Do we take time to worship God and talk with Him? 
     Even in the very early days people were busy being busy.  Martha was very busy when Jesus went to visit her.  She wanted her home to be clean and neat.  She wanted the dinner prepared just right.  When her sister, Mary didn’t help her, Martha became fretful and started complaining.  Yet, Mary chose to take a “Labor Day” off from work.  She chose to sit at Jesus’ feet and spend time with Him.  She chose to listen to His Word and His teaching.  
     I wish I could say I was like Mary, but I must be honest and admit that I am more like Martha.  I am just like most people. I am busy being busy; although, I do have my preferences.  After a week sitting behind a desk, I am ready for some manual labor.  I actually enjoy it! That probably accounts for why my daughter presented me with a sign that read, "A day in the garden is better than any day in the mall."  Don't get me wrong.  I do enjoy shopping, but that can be tiresome and laborious, too. Regardless of which activity I chose, I am still busy being busy.   
     This Labor Day we need to remember Jesus’ answer to Martha, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

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