As I was sitting under "A Friendly Shade" I
thought back to my basketball days and
how competitive I was and, must admit, still am in certain areas of my
life. Most people will agree that sports
is highly competitive. In fact, many extremely
talented players find, at some point in their lives, they dream of making it to
the "big league."
As I thought about sports, I remembered how faithful my dad was in
supporting and following my team to every game.
However, his favorite sports was baseball. Not only did he watch baseball, but one of
his favorite comedy shows was Abbot and Costello. I remember, so well, one of their most
popular episodes which started out with "Who's on first?" and
how the dialogue went full circle with Costello never understanding the names
of the players. Turns out Who was on first base, What was on
second, and I Don't Know was on third.
They finally wrap it up with, "Same
as You! I throw the ball to Who. Whoever
it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and
throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back
to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball to
Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third...!"!Thinking about all this I suddenly realized that baseball is kind of like life. We step up to the batter's plate in hopes of feeling that cracking sound as the bat connects with the ball, sending it outside the playing field to score a home run. Often it turns out that we can only bunt to get to first base, then become fortunate enough to steal second base, running with all our might to third base, and finally skid into home plate. The problem is that we often take our attitudes, hard feelings, and 'feel sorry for me' traits along with us. However, there is always another chance at the batter's plate. We may never quite hit the home run that we dream about. We may strike out, we may hit a foul ball, we may fall and get tagged out, but with God in our life, pitching for us, we can skid into home base and hear the crowd as it goes wild.
I can picture my career now! I am standing on home plate. I am about to hear, "Strike three, you're out!" so I bunt and run with mustard seed faith hoping, all the while, to hear the booming sound of the umpire as he calls out, "Safe." Then I wait. I slip away from first, but I see the error I am about to make and quickly return before the pitcher attempts to throw the ball, and Who, which is on first, tags me out. This time I wait until another team mate helps me out by solidity swinging the bat sending the ball far into left field. With faith I run, not stopping at second but on around to third and skid into home plate creating a cloud of dust that turns into a miraculous home run. Out of the dust, I feel a presence. Someone is lifting me up! The crowd cheers! Nothing can silent the hoorays and applause. There is pandemonium in the stands!
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