Mary Crisp Jameson - copyright material

Sunday, August 18, 2013


     As I sit beneath “A Friendly Shade” today and recall the Sunday School lesson and the preaching service, in which both were on prayer, I find myself lacking in all the areas that I truly know about but have become complacent and lacking. 
     First of all, I know that I need to establish a special time to be with God, a special time-appointed quiet time.  Yet, as the pastor pointed out, prayer is never-ending.  There should be no beginning and no ending.  It should be steadfast and continuous.   That, in itself, makes us more watchful for things and people we should pray about and for.  It presents an opportunity for us to be able to intercede for others. 
     I have used the slogan, “Fake it till you make it,” so often in my life, but I was fascinated by another slogan given that the Puritans use.  It is, “Pray until you pray.”  This really has given me food for thought.  So often, most of us have to admit that, we go to God for answers in our lives.  We say, “We want!  When will You answer?”  How often do we pray just to be thankful, to reflect, and to be grateful for what God has already given us?

 My Prayer as I sit in “A Friendly Shade,” is:

How often, Lord, do I come to talk with you?
Let it be all though the day and down every road. 
Forgive my neglect.
Let me be thankful as I reflect
On the blessings you have bestowed.

Let me rise early in the morning
With You in my thought.
Circumvent, Lord, any intrusion,
Keeping you in my mind, without exclusion.
Keep me thankful for every blessing brought.

Give me confidence to trust in thee.
Help me “pray until I pray.”
Give me courage to proclaim
Your almighty Name!  
Give me faith when I see no answer right away.

Lest I forget to ‘hush and listen,’
Lest I forget to give you praise,
Humble me.
This is my earnest plea,    
For you are my rock all of my days.

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